Sneaky Pete presents: Sneaky Pete's OWB Stealth Jewelry Scientists have discovered the top secret technological breakthrough in stealth armor Robco was working on when the bombs fell. Now you can make ANY outfit an Old World Blues Mark II Stealth suit. WARNING!!! ONLY ACTIVATE 1 ESP! Each ESP overrides the Old World Blues Mark II Stealth suit. When you collect all the parts of the stealth suit in the X-13 labs, you will be rewarded with: A small piece of jewelry There are 4 ESP's in this file. ONLY ACTIVATE 1! Choker, Earrings, Necklace or Ring; Each piece of jewelry acts just like the Mark II Stealth Armor in Old World Blues. I have given you 4 choices so that you can wear your favorite armor or clothes and still have the Mark II benefits. This is an OVERWRITE mod. The only changes from Vanilla OWB Mark II Stealth armor are: Jewelry has no weight. Jewelry provides NO DT or DR protection You still need to pass the upgrade tests in Old World Blues for the Jewelry to have all systems activated You have your choice of Choker, Earrings, Necklace, or Ring so the jewelry can be worn with your favorite outfits without conflicts Requires Old World Blues I would like to thank Exeter for permission to use the Necklace Meshes and Textures I will also give a nod of thanks to Sensei SweetKitten for Geck Help