A Furiously Fluffy Feline v1.0 By MissMarifire hi thanks for downloading my mod!! you've made puddles and I very happy. since it's just in-game assets crudely edited i dont really care what you do w/ it but i would really appreciate credit!! and if you happen to post screencaps of it on tumblr/twitter/reddit, ping/tag me @MissMarifire if you do!!! honest ill legit cry if you do this because it makes me so happy when people use my mods anyway ty for reading this and ty again for downloading my mod. heres a copypasta of the description in the case you lost the link or something. its alright i understand. INSTALLATION: 1. Back up Content/Animals/cat.xml in the case you don't want Puddles in the future. 2. Extract the contents into your Stardew Valley Folder. 3. Boot up the game and enjoy some puddly action from your cat. UNINSTALLATION: 1. Find where you backed up Content/Animals/cat.xml. 2. Replace cat.xml with the original file.