I would like to personaly thank you for downloading this mod, as its kind of m first mod that I've published. Feel free to edit the Friendly magical vegan truffle Bears any way you wish, honestly, I think I did a kinda bad job on them anyways so I'd always LOVE to see what YOU did with them. Just remember, If you post your own version of this mod online, please mention my name as I would very much aprescha that. :) ----with much graditude MS Paint Shiny Kingdra the II (MS Paintdra) P.S. sorry for the chezzy description... Instalation instructions: 1:take the folder in this zip file Content and drag it over to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley or equivalent to where your game is installed 2: Click "Replace file" when it asks you to replace "Pig.xnb" 3: Enjoy and have a great rest of your day. ;)