MUSHIER MUSHROOM SAPLINGS Replaces giant mushroom saplings with actual mushroom sprites instead of the odd generic tree graphics used originally. HOW TO INSTALL You can install this mod in either of two ways. The first way is usually preferable. * Using Content Patcher 1. Install SMAPI and Content Patcher (See those sites for instruction) 2. Place the entire "Mushier" folder from this zip in your Stardew Valley\mods folder. 3. Enjoy the mushiness. * By replacing the xnb directly 1. Back up Stardew Valley\Content\TerrainFeatures\mushroom_tree.xnb (or just back up the whole content folder, if you haven't already) 2. Replace that file with Mushier\assets\mushroom_tree.xnb from this zip. 3. Enjoy the mushiness. PERMISSIONS This mod may be freely modified and distributed.