BONSTER'S CROPS - 1.0.0 :: REQUIREMENTS :: * Current installments of JSON and SMAPI are required :: FEATURES :: Most crops are multiple harvest, unless it wouldn't make sense in real life. Many are also year 2, adding some variety to the second growing season. Does not conflict with any other crop mod on Nexus that I have found. * New crops for Stardew Valley * Blackcurrant (summer/year 2/regrows): a complex summer fruit, sweet, tart and earthy. * Blue Corn (summer and fall/year 1/regrows): a traditional flour corn variety * Cardamom (summer/year 1/regrows): the third most expensive spice in the world, enjoyed in cuisines ranging from Indian curry to Scandinavian flatbreads * Cranberry Beans (spring/year 2/regrows): also known as borlotti beans, these beans are tender, floury and very colorful. * Maypop (summer/year 2/regrows): a hardy passion fruit that grows where most passion flowers dare not grow, and tastes great, too! * Peppercorn (summer and fall/year 1/regrows): the classic seasoning that might make you sneeze. Harvests in a nice pepper grinder for freshness. * Red Currant (Spring/year 2/regrows): slightly more tart than the blackcurrant, but with the same sweetness. * Rose Hips (summer/year 1/regrows): tart and tangy, and filled with vitamin C, this fruit packs a healthy punch. * Roselle Hibiscus (summer/year 2/regrows): also known as sorrel or Jamaican hibiscus, these plants are grown for spicy leaves and tart fruit more than flowers. * Summer Squash (summer/year 1/regrows): harvested when the rind is still tender and edible, these squash don't keep well. * Taro (summer or fall/year 2/single harvest): A staple throughout the tropics, these root vegetables must be soaked or cooked before eating. * White Currant (fall/year 2/regrows): a cultivar of the red currant, these berries are the smildest in their family. Trees: * Clove (fall): an evergreen tree that produces powerfully flavored little flower buds, which have both medicinal and culinary uses. * Date (summer): an emblem of the tropics, the date is one of the oldest cultivated fruits. * Pandan (spring): every part of this plant is used, including its aromatic, grassy leaves, fatty nuts, flavorful fruit and fibrous trunk. Aerial roots help support the trunk. :: INSTALLATION :: * Download files * Unzip using something like 7Zip or WinZip * Drop unzipped files into Mods folder for Stardew Valley * Play your game :: KNOWN ISSUES :: * If you have additional mods installed, the first time playing you might find your trees go strange - my fig, for instance, turned into a fragrant wisteria after adding the pandan. After quitting the game and restarting, it had resolved itself.