- installation - 1. download and install the latest versions of SMAPI and Content Patcher 2. extract mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods 3. run the game once with smapi to generate config.json 4. open config.json in notepad to change configuration 5. run game with smapi and start new save - config options - "replaces": "standard, fishing, foraging, mining, combat" > which vanilla map to replace - tilesheet credits - waterfall: maleha flowers: eemiestardew - FAQ/notes - > if you're reporting an issue on the nexus page, please for the love of god upload your smapi log to http://log.smapi.io (instructions on where to find it are there) and link it and then also link a screenshot if it's visual. > debris spawns on spring day 1 as soon as you create a save file. if you have bushes/trees/debris in weird places, it's because you've changed farm type/version after a save has already been created. you can download the entoarox framework and use the world_bushreset command to reset bushes and the cleanfarm mod to remove all debris. - links - > entoarox framework https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2269 > cleanfarm https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/794