(If viewing from the Nexus, click 'View as plain text' on the top-right of the Docs tab to fix formatting) ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Overview ====================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================== This mod adds several new "Bag" items that are capable of holding other items inside of them while only taking up a single inventory slot. -There are 4 different kinds of bags with drastically different uses: -Standard Bags -Capable of storing specific pre-defined items -Comes in several different subtypes -Gem Bags -Smithing Bags -Mineral Bags -Resource Bags -Construction Bags -Tree Bags -Animal Products Bags -Recycling Bags -Loot Bags -Foraging Bags -Artifact Bags -Seed Bags -Fish Bags -There are also less expensive sub-types of Fish Bags -Ocean Fish Bags -River Fish Bags -Lake Fish Bags -Miscellaneous Fish Bags -Farmer's Bags -Food Bags -Crop Bags -Bundle Bag -Capable of storing items that are required by incomplete community center bundles -Rucksack -Capable of storing almost any non-modded stackable items that you want, like having an inventory inside of your inventory -Omni Bag -Capable of storing other bags inside of it -Most bags come in 5 different sizes: -Small -Medium -Large -Giant -Massive -Larger sizes can store more items, and higher quantities of each item. ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Compatibility ================================================================================================= ====================================================================================================================================== -Requires SMAPI -For PC users: SMAPI 3.0.1+ -For Android users: SMAPI -Compatible with Windows, Linux, and Android -Multiplayer support was added in v1.3.1 and has not yet been thoroughly tested. -Known mod compatibility issues: -SaveAnywhere -Requires ItemBags 1.2.3+ or else you'll crash when saving -You may need to exit to title and re-load your game after saving to get your bags back ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Bag Interface ================================================================================================= ====================================================================================================================================== -Opening/Closing bags: -Left-click or right-click a bag on your toolbar -Right-click or double-click a bag that is in your inventory -Right-click or middle-click a bag that is inside of a chest -If you already have a bag opened, you can: -Right-click a different bag to instantly switch to it -Right-click the currently-opened bag to close it -Transferring items: -Left-click: Transfer entire stack (or as many as possible) -Right-click: Transfers 1 -Hold right-click to repeat transfer action ~12 times/second -Modifier keys: -Shift: Transfers several (Usually 5, but increases to 25 if quantity is > 999) -Control: Transfers half -Bags inside chests: -If you open a bag that is inside of a chest, you'll be transferring items between the chest and the bag -If you open a bag that is inside of your inventory, you'll be transferring items between your inventory and the bag ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Standard Bags ================================================================================================= ====================================================================================================================================== -All standard bags are available in all 5 sizes. -Sold by several different shops. Note that some of the larger sized bags may only be available at a certain shop. -Pierre -Resource Bags (Up to Medium) -Tree Bags (Up to Medium) -Foraging Bags (Up to Large) -Seed Bags (Up to Large) -Crop Bags (Up to Medium) -Clint -Gem Bags (Up to Giant) -Smithing Bags (All sizes) -Mineral Bags (All sizes) -Mining Bags (Up to Medium) -Robin -Resource Bags (All sizes) -Construction Bags (All sizes) -Tree Bags (All sizes) -Willy -Recycling Bags (Up to Giant) -Fish Bags (All sizes) -Ocean Fish Bags (All sizes) -River Fish Bags (All sizes) -Lake Fish Bags (All sizes) -Misscellaneous Fish Bags (All sizes) -Marnie -Animal Products Bags (All sizes) -Farmer's Bags (All sizes) -Krobus -Recycling Bags (All sizes) -Artifact Bags (All sizes) -Dwarf -Gem Bags (All sizes) -Mineral Bags (All sizes) -Mining Bags (All sizes) -Loot Bags (Up to Medium) -Artifact Bags (Up to Large) -Marlon -Loots Bags (All sizes) -Sandy -Foraging Bags (All sizes) -Seed Bags (All sizes) -Crop Bags (All sizes) -Gus -Food Bags (All sizes) ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Bundle Bags =================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================== -Comes in 2 sizes -Massive -Stores ALL items required by incomplete community center bundles -Large -Stores everything except items required by the "Bulletin Board" and the "Abandoned Joja Mart" rooms -Sold by the Travelling Merchant in the forest -Can only store exactly as many of the item that you still need for INCOMPLETE bundles ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Rucksacks ===================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================== -Available in all 5 sizes -Small - 6 slots - Holds 30 quantity per slot -Medium - 12 slots - Holds 99 quantity per slot -Large - 24 slots - Holds 300 quantity per slot -Giant - 36 slots - Holds 999 quantity per slot -Massive- 72 slots - Holds 9999 quantity per slot -Sold by Pierre -Can only store non-modded stackable items -Can store things like: -Fish, Vegetables, Fruits, Craftables, Resources, Seeds, Artifacts, Minerals, Gems, Foods, Animal Products, Floors/Paths etc -Cannot store things like: -Equippables (Rings, Hats, Clothings) -Weapons -Fishing Tackles -Tools -Bags ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Omni Bags ===================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================== -Available in all 5 sizes -Can hold up to 1 of every other bag -1 of each standard bag -1 bundle bag -1 rucksack -The size of the omni bag determines the maximum size of the bags it can store -For example, a Large Omni Bag can only store up to a Large Rucksack. Cannot store a Giant or Massive Rucksack -Sold by Pierre ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Autofilling ================================================================================================= ====================================================================================================================================== -"Autofill" is a feature that allows bags to automatically be filled with items that you pick up -Autofilling only takes place when no menus are active. -It won't impact items you buy from shops, or items given to you through the mail etc. -Each bag has its own autofill toggle. Open the bag and click the "Autofill" icon near the bottom-left of the menu to toggle it. -Only affects NEW stacks of items that are added to your inventory -For example, if you have a Resource Bag set to be Autofilled with picked up wood: -If you have 998 wood in your inventory, the next wood you pick up would just stack with it: Now 999 -Then if you picked up another wood, it would attempt to create a new stack of wood -The Resource Bag will detect this and put the new stack inside of it -Rucksacks can only be autofilled with items that it already has an existing stack of --Autofill Priority: -If multiple bags can be autofilled with the picked up item, the priority is as follows: -1. Bundle Bag -2. Rucksack that already has a stack of the item in it, and has AutofillPriority set to "High" -3. Standard Bag that already has a stack of the item in it -4. Standard Bag that does NOT have an existing stack of the item in it -5. Rucksack that already has a stack of the item in it, and has AutofillPriority set to "Low" -6. Any bags inside of Omni Bags -In the case of a tie, the mod will choose the first bag it finds while scanning your inventory left-to-right, top-to-bottom -So a bag in the top-left of the inventory has highest priority ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Config Files ================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================== -This mod has 2 different config files. -You will need to run Stardew Valley at least once with the mod installed for default config files to be generated -"config.json" -Located in the ItemBags mod installation folder - \Mods\ItemBags\config.json -Settings: -GlobalPriceModifier - A multiplier that affects the price of every type of bag -GlobalCapacityModifier - A multiplier that affects how many of each item your bags can store -Does not affect Bundle Bags -StandardBagSettings -BundleBagSettings -RucksackSettings -MenuColumns - The # of columns to use on the Rucksack menu. Recommended: 12 - Note that the # of rows is automatically determined based on the # of Slots and the MenuColumns -MenuSlotSize - The size, in pixels, to use for each slot on the Rucksack menu. Recommended: 64 -If you wanted your Rucksacks to be able to store tons of items, you could use something like: - Slots = 360, MenuColumns = 30, MenuSlotSize = 48 -OmniBagSettings -Shop options -HideSmallBagsFromShops, HideMediumBagsFromShops, HideLargeBagsFromShops, HideGiantBagsFromShops, HideMassiveBagsFromShops -HideObsoleteBagsFromShops - If "true", shops will no longer sell bags for which you already own at least one copy of a larger size -"bagconfig.json" -Located in your SMAPI global mod data folders - Typically this is "\Roaming\StardewValley\.smapi\mod-data\SlayerDharok.Item_Bags\bagconfig.json -Not recommended to edit unless you're an advanced user -Defines all of the standard bags -Each standard bag is composed of: -Basic settings like a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) and an icon to draw on the bag -Settings for each size that the bag is available in. Each size configuration is composed of: -MenuOptions (How to display the bag's menu) -GroupByQuality - If true, items that are available in multiple different qualities will be grouped together -The grouped items will be arranged according to GroupedLayoutOptions -InventoryColumns - The # of columns to use when drawing your inventory (below the bag's contents). Recommended: 12 -InventorySlotSize - The size, in pixels, to use for each slot of your inventory (below the bag's contents). Recommended: 64 -Price - the price before any additional modifiers are applied from the config.json settings -Sellers - the names of shops that will sell this size of this bag -Items - The items that this bag can store -Id - required - You can generally find the Item Id here: -https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CpDrw23peQiq-C7F2FjYOMePaYe0Rc9BwQsj3h6sjyo/edit#gid=1082266757 -Note that the Id is the index of the Item in it's parent spritesheet -For regular objects, this is the index within \Content\Maps\springObjects.xnb -For craftable items, this is the index within \Content\TileSheets\Craftables.xnb -HasQualities - required - true if the item is available in multiple qualities (Silver/Gold/Iridium) -IsBigCraftable - optional - assumed to be false if not specified -If true, it is assumed that the Id refers to TileSheets\Craftables.xnb -This is for placeable items like Seed Maker, Scarecrows, Furances, Bee Hives, Tappers etc -For example, if you specified Id=16 -This would refer to Wild Horseradish if IsBigCraftable=false, or Cheese Press if IsBigCraftable=true -It is possible to create your own bags by editing this json file. But not recommended and would be very time consuming -If you manually edit a config file and mess something up, just delete it. It will be re-created with default settings the next time you launch Stardew Valley. -But what if I edited the items that a bag can store, and my bag now contains items it's no longer able to store? -There is a built-in fail-safe. Everytime you open a bag, any "invalid" items will be automatically moved to your inventory if there is space. ====================================================================================================================================== ======== Source Code ================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================== -The source code is available at: -https://github.com/Videogamers0/SDV-ItemBags/tree/master/ItemBags