Friendly Forest Farm - 1.0 Map edit for Forest Farm, increasing useful land and fixing a minor bug. :: REQUIREMENTS :: • SMAPI ( ) • Content Patcher ( ) :: INSTALLATION :: 1. Make sure SMAPI and Content Patcher are installed. If not, see the links above! 2. Unzip the mod directory into the Stardew Valley/Mods folder. It should look like: 🗁 Stardew Valley ..🗁 Mods ....🗁 [CP] Friendly Forest Farm ......🗀 assets ......🗀 extra ......🗎 content.json ......🗎 manifest.json 3. IF YOU WANT TO USE THE OLD MAP, BUT WANT THE BUGGED GRASS TILE FIX: _3a. Run Stardew Valley through SMAPI until it reaches the title screen, then close the game. _3b. Open the "config.json" file that should have appeared in the mod's folder, using Notepad or similar. _3c. Change ForestTileFixOnly from "false" to "true" (include the quotes!) It should look like this: { "ForestTileFixOnly": "false" } _4c. Save config.json _5c. Launch the game! :: FEATURES :: • Makes the Forest Farm map more useful with some minor quality of life improvements. • Shrinks the large pond in the middle of the map. • Removes the lower pond entirely. • Cleans up the borders of the tillable area in front of the house, making it more useful. • Lets you make a continuous wide path from the upper exit to the lower exit. • Fixes a bug that prevents you from planting trees on several grassy tiles. :: KNOWN ISSUES :: • Will not work with other mods that use the LOAD action to modify the Forest Farm map. • May not play nice with other mods that affect the Forest Farm map. • While this should mostly work fine with existing saves, uninstalling the mod after saving will potentially leave objects placed over water, and unreachable. If this mod is disabled in a future update and you want to keep using your safe file, you might need to use a save file editor to remove any bugged objects. Obviously, do this at your own risk! :: CREDITS :: ♦ Treppan, who stayed up all night doing this instead of anything useful.