Reverse Proposal Mod - v 1.0.0 This is the Proposal of the NPC to the Farmer to be their Boyfriend/Girlfriend. ~Events~ The events will take place after the 8H event of the NPC. It will only happen once so choose carefully! ~Mod Requiments~ -SMAPI -Content Patcher ~Future Features~ -Might add more Datable NPC's reverse proposal. -Might change the place where the reverse proposal took place. Depends on the place where the NPC's favorite place to hangout (ie. Beach, Mountain Lake(Near Robin's house). -Adding Reverse Proposal - Marriage. ~How to Install~ 1. Install SMAPI and Content Patcher. 2. Download the Mod. 3. Paste the mod inside the Mods folder. 4. Open StardewValley and Play!