Ever since figuring out how to do these mods the Andorian phaser beams have always been at the top of my list to mod, as I've always found their sound effects annoying. I made a mistake when I first looked into it though, and as a result assumed that they did not actually use the sounds in M_P_Player_Space_Andorian.fsb because they didn't sound right, however this was not correct. As it turns out they DO use one of the sounds in the Andorian fsb file, but it's hard to tell by just listening because they ALSO play the standard phaser sound simultaneously. I was able to get around this by inverting the standard phaser sound and merging the result with the Andorian sounds, which causes the standard phaser sound to be canceled out when the two sounds are played simultaneously. I don't know if this double sound effect is intended or a bug, although FAW and Overload do seem to use standard phaser sounds only even though there's a unique sound labeled Overload so I suspect it is infact a bug (if so, they've probably been bugged since they first came out back in 2013). This works great for NPCs like the Kazon (though personally I still don't like the Andorian sounds), unfortunately since FAW and Overload only use standard TNG phaser sounds it doesn't give a great result if you want to use them on a player ship. So, with all of that said I am releasing three different versions of this mod: one that just cleans up the Andorian sound currently assigned to the beam arrays, one that uses a seemingly unused Andorian sound that I think sounds slightly better, and a third option that gives them the TNG phaser sound only by muting the Andorian sounds. If Cryptic patches the Andorian phasers to not use TNG sound effects then I'll take that as both confirmation that this is a bug, and silent/unofficial acknowledgement of these kinds of mods. To install: 1) unzip whichever .zip file you chose to download (only one can be installed at a time) 2) Within the .zip file you will find a folder named localdata, copy it and paste it in "...Star Trek Online\Live\" 3) The end result should look something like this: "...Star Trek Online\Live\localdata\sound\win32\M_P_Player_Space_Andorian.fsb" This does not modify any actual game files because STO supports override functionality using the "localdata" folder, so this SHOULD be safe, however it IS a bit of a gray area so use at your own risk. As far as I know there have not been any official statements made about whether this type of thing is OK or not, but if I find one I will update this description immediately.