Beautiful New Female Dwarf Face Preset Version 1.0 -- 10/01/2010 By orgolove (HAIR BY REN) ******NOTICE****** Scroll to bottom for changelog. Downloaded a 0 bytes file? Wait a few minutes and try again. ******NOTICE****** INTRODUCTION When I first played dragon age, the dwarf commoner beginning completely enraptured me so much. You truly started from the lowest of the low, "casteless" in a casteless society. Only in the dwarf commoner beginning do you face off against the best fighters of the realm, in a literal stadium in front of the entire Dwarven kingdom. Only in the dwarf commoner origin that you truly prove your worth as a Grey Warden. The scene where you take off your helmet, and the screen closes up no the helmet, followed by a gradual panning out was so, so dramatic. It enraptured me immediately, and that was just within the first 20 minutes of the game. That you could say "I am casteless and yet I have defeated the best of you!" in front of all those arrogant pricks was sooo satisfying. And only in this origin does Duncan really give heartfelt support, with his pivotal comments: "I beg of you, stop the guards! Didn't this man/woman defeat the best you could offer?" "This casteless man/woman has no place here" "Except, as your champion." And then he walks away. Ohhhhhh that was so orgasmic! Truly, the dwarf commoner origin was such a masterpiece. It really set the tone for how great the game would unfold. Unfortunately, no matter what forum I go to, people say that they hate dwarves or they don’t want to play them because they’re so hideous. And I completely agree. It is almost impossible to create a nice face from the starting facial structure and using the limited in-game editing resources. So… as someone who was so enraptured by their story, I decided to rectify that! :) I have spent literally HOURS creating a beautiful face that people will not get tired of(I hope). I understand that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but I believe I captured the best essences :) Enjoy! It will replace the first face preset. You can change the hair/eye/skin colors to your liking. Hopefully this face will convince more people to try out the dwarf origins! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installation with DAModder is preferred: 1. Unzip the archive. 2. Drag “orgo_fdwarf_origins.dazip” and “orgo_fdwarf_awakening.dazip” in DAModder and let it install 2. Launch the game and enjoy :) Installing with the DAupdater may cause issues: 1. Open the program daupdater.exe, which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder. 2. Click "Select DAZIPs". 3. Locate the .dazips that you downloaded (extract from "zip" archive first). 4. Select the .dazips after it has appeared on the list and then press "Install Selected". 5. Launch the game and enjoy :) UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Uninstall with DAModder or delete the folder. COMPATIBILITY This file should not conflict with any mods that do not alter the faces. This mod may slightly conflict with some other mods that change the presets, but it will only override one preset. The file should be compatible with the most popular face/hair mods. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (Will be updated) AUTHOR'S COMMENTS (Will be updated) CHANGELOG 10/01/2010 v1.0 Mod released.