Just Another Fixpack v1.8 BETA I plan on making a bug fixpack. I will only be dealing with gameplay bugs not plot bugs for now. This is a inital set of fixes that I am releasing. I am a relative freshman when it comes to scripting, so please let me know if the fixes does not work, so that I can look into it immediately. Once each set of fixes have been verified, the next set will be released. Comments and suggestions, negative or positive, are always welcome. Use: extract the "Just Another FixPack" folder into your override folder. General fixes: 1. Many of the talents and spell were suppose to generate threat upon impact towards its caster, but didnt do that due to coding errors. From now on, spell will generate impact threat, which means that enemies will switch to attacking mages more often. Talents will be fixed soon. 2. The Spell Anti-Magic Ward (AMW) was suppose to block all spell effects, primary and secondary. However, due to a base coding bug, the spell does not block any secondary effects. For example, if you cast a Cone of Cold on a target with AMW, the target will not take any damage, but will get frozen in place. Now, AMW will block all secondary spell effects. A big thanks goes out to WRFan on dragon age wiki who figured out the problem and suggested a solution. FIXES ----- Changes: v0.1 (monster_singletarget) - Fix for enemy wolves' Howl ability for not correctly applying the -5 defense penalty. (spell_aoe_instant) - Mana Cleanse now removes mana from enemy spellcasters instead of adding. (spell_modal) - Haste now has proper mana regeneration penalty. (talent_arrow_slaying) - Fixed a bug in the damage calculation's rank adjustment. (passive_abilities) - Champion spec gets 1 to defence instead of uselessly to cunning. - Templar spec gets 2 to willpower instead of magic. (spell_constants_h) - Haste now correctly apply a -0.2s aim duration bonus. v0.9 (item_singletarget) - Weapons and Poison coatings dont stack anymore. (item_constants_h) - Swift Salve now correctly apply an aim duration bonus of -0.1s. v1.8 (ItemStats) - Crossbows now get bonus damage from strength and dexterity, like longbows and shortbows. (itemsets) - Chevalier armor set now gets proper willpower and constitution bonus. (spell_singletarget) - Stonefist now deals nature damage instead of physical damage (only spell in nature tree that didnt). - Blood Control now deals damage only if the target resists control. - Curse of Morality now properly prevents health regeneration in target during combat. - Force Field now clears all threat from the target under its effect. Also, targets with Anti-Magic Ward (AMW) are now immune to Force Field. - AMW now blocks secondary effects from the Paralysis Explosion spell combination. (pt1) - Spells now generate impact threat. (spell_blizzard) - AMW now blocks secondary effects from Blizzard. (spell_aoe_duration) - Glyph of Repulsion now properly affect wolfs and blightwolfs. - AMW now blocks secondary effects from Earthquake. - AMW now blocks secondary effects from the Paralysis Explosion spell combination. (pt2) - AMW now blocks secondary effects from Tempest. - AMW now blocks secondary effects from Storm of the Century spell combination. (spell_aoe_instant) - Mana Cleanse now removes mana from enemy spellcasters. Before, it was replenishing their mana. - Spells that affect enemies now generate impact threat. (spell_cone) - AMW now blocks secondary effects from Shock and Cone of Cold. - Spells now generate impact threat. - Cone of cold gets proper resistance check like other elemental spells. (spell_drainlife) - Force Field, AMW or Glyph of Neurtralization now block health replenishment in caster. - Spell now generate impact threat. (spell_drainmana) - Spell now generate impact threat. (spell_stingingswarm) - Stinging Swarm now generate impact threat. (spell_grease) - AMW now blocks secondary effects of Grease. (ai_threat_h) - Threaten now get a bonus if caster has Frightening Appearance. - Fix for characters with melee weapons generating +5 more threat on appearance. - Bugfix for hated enemy threat. (effect_confusion_h) - Removed rank adjustment in the code. Rank adjustment now handled in spells/talents only. v2.5 (talent_modal) - Some modal talents moved here from spell_modals like it should be. (talent_singletarget) - Mighty Blow Should apply a slow effect if target fail a physical resistance check against attacker's strength, like the talent description suggest. 20% slow for 5 sec. - Talents now generate impact threat. (talent_aoe_duration) - Talents now generate impact threat. - Fix for rally breaking stealth. (talent_aoe_instant) - Talents now generate impact threat. (player_core) - Buffs are now resupplied on ressurected characters. (module_core) - Main character now gets 3.0% base critical chance. - "% healing effects" now works properly. - Party members added through party-picker now get buffs applied to them and itemsets recalculated. (sys_itemprops_h) - Magebane/Soldier bane now drain mana/stamina instead of adding. - "Increases hostility and intimidation" item property now works. (sys_resistances_h) - Removed attribute modifier check from resistance calculation to avoid Spellpower-10 bug. (sys_traps_h) - (player_core) - Trap making skill level 2 & 4 now gives a bonus to trap detection radius. (core_h) - (rules_core) - Combat magic now uses spellpower for attack calculation. - Fixed bug where spellpower was applied a -10 modifier. - Bug fix for vanilla bug where multiple attack speed increase effects would reset to normal. (effects_h) - (Wardens's Peak DLC) Removed persistent status icon from Bloody Grasp. (combat_damage_h) - Fixed Shattering Blows so now it properly applies damage bonus. - Shield Wall now reduces damage dealth by 20%. - Stunning Blows activates only on critical hits. New hits refresh penalty. - Destroyer now activates on every hit. New hits refresh penalty. - Lacerate now only works on targets that bleed. (ability_h) - Possible fix for Dual Weapon Expert self inflicting DOT (The Tainted Blade,Blood Thirst,Aura of Pain). - Modals Blood Magic and Berserk wont disable out of combat. (combat_h) - Misdirection Hex now converts backstabs to hits instead of misses. - Standardizes Always critcals/Non-critical abilities/situations. TWEAKS ------ (den250cr_marjolaine) -she now has captivate talent -equipped with orlesian bow, par vollen willstone, ring of ages, seal of the rat red, dwarven smith's belt non droppable. (exptable.gda,exptable_gxa.gda) - increases tactics slots to 20 at lvl 35. Credits: Dennis Lee (denl) WRFan Gastank