This requires the Combat Tweaks Mod. So first you have to install that: -------------------------------------------- JX_DA_Extension.dazip -------------------------------------------- This is the primary file. Install it with your Mod Manager of choice (or the default DAUpdater). -------------------------------------------- Single Player.rar -------------------------------------------- This contains files specific to the original Single Player campaign. If you are playing or plan to play through the OC, then extact these files to the following directory: \BioWare\Dragon Age\modules\single player\override -------------------------------------------- Awakening.rar -------------------------------------------- This contains files specific to the Awakening expansion. If you are playing or plan to play through Awakening, then extact these files to the following directory: \Dragon Age\addins\dao_prc_ep_1\core\override -------------------------------------------- Optional Modules -------------------------------------------- In this folder are five optional DAZip files. If you plan to use the resources of those five modules in game, then you'll need to install these in order to see the ability names and descriptions. They contain nothing besides the TLK files however, and so will have no effect if installed alone. The modules are: Class and Specialization Pack - Spirit Eater Class - Spell School Mastery - BGR Spellpack - Final Fantasy Tactics Conversion -