RangerSummonPetSustained_1.00 author: ithhithh INSCRIPTION This mod allow your summon pet last longer it not dead or deactivate from enter new area (Probably from enter events, cut scene, conversation ... not sure i not tested it out) You can only have a pet at time it dies when you deactivate talent or activate new pet yourself INSTALLATION 1.Extract file "RangerSummon.zip" 2.Copy files "area_core.ncs" and "talent_pet.ncs" to "...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder 3.Have fun note: This mod not works with any mods those include same files "area_core.ncs" and "talent_pet.ncs" in "...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder Hope you guys enjoy it ithhithh Thank you