*THESE ARE FEMALE ONLY* INSTALL: -Download and unzip the file, stick it in Documents/Bioware/DragonAge/packages/core/override TO GET THE ARMORS IN GAME: -console command only at this point -each armor has its own script which will put the entire set (chestpiece, gloves, boots) into the player inventory. Cousland Light Armor - runscript smlightarmors_cousland Elvhan Leather Armor - runscript smlightarmors_elvhan Crimson Quilted Armor - runscript smlightarmors_quilted Armor of the Skies - runscript smlightarmors_wings TO UNINSTALL: -delete the smlightarmors folder from the override I have no intention at this time of making this a replacer mod in any way. There are enough replacer mods about that it would cause a lot of conflicts, so for now it's for players and the party characters only. Since there's no skin showing in any of these armors (as armor should be, since it's for protection) you won't have to worry about any skin tone conflicts with these armors. However, since there is no skin, none of these armors have tint files, which means they probably cannot be recolored using UDK at this time. STATS: All Chestpieces: -Increased Armor -Increased Chance to Dodge -Increased Ranged Critical -Increased Physical Resistance -Increased Defense All Boots: -Increased Chance to Dodge -Increased Constitution -Increased Money Received -Increased Stamina -Increased Willpower All Gloves: -Improved Backstab -Improved Trap Detection -Increased Armor Penetration -Increased Dexterity -Increased Strength/Stamina