------------- Brown Merrill Continuity Fix by BrownTracer VERSION 1.3: Now includes 4 retexture options (there are now options without patches ;_;) ------------- Description: For people who want vanilla-toned (04) Merrill in her DA2 outfit but without her having a white body. This modifies the file bed200cr_merrill.utc, so any duplicates of this file in your override folder will conflict. This mod uses assets from cactuschef's DA2 Merrill armor retexture and also SpaceAlex's mod Improved Atmosphere. ------------- Requirements: Kirkwall Exports by amycus ------------- Credits: Default Merrill Armor with no Holes (retexture) by cactuschef Kirkwall Exports by amycus The Original DA2 Armor by BioWare Improved Atmosphere by SpaceAlex ------------- Instructions: - If you have an earlier version of this mod, please delete it from your override. - Unzip and place the Brown Merrill Continuity Fix (1.3) in your override folder. - Pick your desired retexture and delete the rest of the retexture folders. - Install Kirkwall Exports as per mod's instructions. - Make sure my mod and Kirkwall exports are installed before your Warden arrives back at camp during the Dalish Elf Origin or else Merrill will be in her default mage robes. - To uninstall, simply take out the mod folder out of your override. ------------- Notes: - With a PARTIAL retexture, if you spawn your own Merrill robe for a dark-skinned Warden, it will be very saturated and dim with the overriding retexture. This doesn't happen with a FULL retexture however (cause all the 4 texture maps are in there duh :P). ------------- Known Issues: - There is STILL an LOD issue that happens with Merrill when you're far enough from her. Her outfit looks like a squashed T-pose. However when you get close to her, her outfit goes back to normal. -------------