Companion Overhaul - Awakening By Lesbianbear Version: 1.0 ------------- Requirements: Elf update by tmp7704 Vibrant Colors by Pineappletree (use light version) Justice for Justice by Dalishious (Remember to delete her .mor) ------------- Introduction Continuing off my main companion mod Here are the wardens !! Since Ellise never made face textures for these characters, I tried my hand at tweaking a few of hers and others to match o: (I didn't tweaked or make custom Justice textures since I personally love Dalishious's "Justice for Justice" so much !) ------------------------------------------------------------ Installing: -Install the required mods -Delete hm_gxa000fl_justice.mor from "Justice for Justice" -Download this mod -Unzip into override folder -Play ! (Override is found in /documents/BioWare/Dragon Age/packages/core/ ) Un-Installing: Delete unzipped folder from override ------------------------------------------------------------ Recommended Mods: HD Eyebrow and Stubble presets by ViLiSSa Dwarf Tattoos Revised by Dalishious SJC's Patchy Skin Fix by SammyJC Compatibility: Not compatible with other companion headmorphs, but works fine with Default Replacements mods like the one by freezedriedbrains Bugs: Non I know of yet o: Credits: Ellise and SammyJC for their face textures that I tweaked myself (: