LORE-FRIENDLY EPILOGUE SLIDESHOW OVERHAUL By Mintflavoredwindows This mod aims to rewrite portions of the DAO epilogue that conflict with events in later installments of the series in the interest of preserving continuity, as well as adding new content for a handful of significant player choices that the vanilla epilogue ignores. It also includes most of the bugfixes included in other mods (ex., Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack, Morrigan Restoration Patch, ZDF Dialog Fix), as well as extra slides for players using bi mods like GoesOnGhost's Complete Bi Overhaul to romance Alistair, Morrigan, or Anora, so it should be fully compatible with them as long as their versions of epilogue_slideshow.dlg are deleted/overwritten with this one. To install, simply place the unzipped Lore Friendly Epilogue Slideshow Overhaul folder in ~\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override The mod can be uninstalled at any time without affecting gameplay by deleting the files from the override folder. Have fun! CHANGELOG AND MISC. NOTES First, some bugs I couldn't figure out how to fix: -Apparently some of the boons (ie, the Origin-related ones) are only reflected in the epilogue if Anora grants them. -If someone other than Cyrion is named as Bann of the Alienage, this might not be reflected in the slideshow. I tried something to fix it but I don't have the saves to test if it worked. -Apparently Arl Eamon stays in Denerim to advise King Alistair if the Warden marries Anora, presumably because the game just checks that Anora isn't ruling alone- The only thing is that after examining the dialogue tree really closely, I can't see how that could be happening, since the only check for that in that area of the tree just adds an extra blank line for the slideshow to skip over. I edited that flag anyway and made the wording less specific Just In Case, but I probably didn't fix any problems there. I think some of these issues are caused by something in the post-coronation dialogue file, which is blank(???) when I open it in the toolset. Which means I don't have a way of checking this! I still made changes to those slides, which should still work if you have another mod installed that fixes those bugs, but as of right now, this mod on its own might not fix those bugs under those conditions. DENERIM -Added slides for a male Warden marrying Alistair and a female Warden marrying Anora for bi mod compatibility -Capitalized "Hero of Ferelden" when it showed up because I'm nitpicky -Changed the Warden's title in the Alistair marriage epilogue slides to queen-consort/king-consort given how they're referred to in later games (ex. in the "King Alistair" quest in DA2) -Restored an epilogue slide that was meant to play when the Warden becomes chancellor after sparing Loghain at the Landsmeet, exclusive to an unhardened King Alistair- since this can't happen in normal gameplay, I changed the condition for the slide to be if Alistair has less than Warm approval -If Loghain dies killing the Archdemon, it still improves his historical reputation, but it's no longer quite enough to make people to forget about Ostagar and him teaming up with Arl Howe -If Anora is solo queen, she still stays unmarried but the epilogue doesn't make it weird by relating that her respecting her dad anymore SACRED ASHES -Added a flag that stops the slide about high dragons terrorizing the countryside from playing if you defile the urn and then double-cross Kolgrim and kill the high dragon -Rewrote the slide about the ashes being rediscovered by the Chantry since DAI clarifies that they went missing before the expedition could find them; that slide now focuses on the restoration of the Temple of Sacred Ashes instead -Added an extra check so that Genetivi still gets his expedition if he was sent back to Denerim before the end of the quest CIRCLE OF MAGI -Revised the epilogue for siding with the templars to postpone Greagoir's retirement for a few more years (since the tower is more or less rebuilt in Witch Hunt, where Greagoir is away on business but still knight-commander); also changed Cullen suceeding him as Knight-Commander to Greagoir sending Cullen to the Free Marches some time before retiring as setup for DA2 -Added new slides if you picked the independent Circle boon that clarifies that the Chantry didn't let that one stick, but that Ferelden is still considered a place of relative refuge for mages, in keeping with the King Alistair conversation in DA2 and the mages staying in Redcliffe in DAI -Took out Cullen killing apprentices if the Circle gains independence in favor of the other templars being worried that he might and getting him transferred to a different Circle because of it -Added links to the boon slide if the Warden is from the Circle and died killing the archdemon, since the funeral cutscene doesn't set the flags correctly- hopefully this approach doesn't cause more problems than it fixes ALIENAGE -Reorganized the Bann of the Alienage slides to check for individual banns before checking the generic bann flag- Hopefully that makes them play right -Retconned Shianni's death if she becomes bann just in case they might wanna give my girl a cameo in DA4 or something; her entry in World of Thedas 2 states that she became the alienage's hahren while leaving most player choices ambiguous, so I also added that slide after her bann epilogue while I was at it -Similarly, retconned Cyrion's assassination if he becomes bann; both of these slides also now mention that the Bann of the Alienage position was abolished after the bann was almost killed, since I doubt that'll be the boon that Bioware lets us keep -Took the hyphen out of "crack-down" because I'm not sure that's a legit spelling -I couldn't figure out at all why Soris's non-bann epilogue for a City Elf Warden was dependent on whether or not he was arrested at the end of the Origin, especially since that didn't seem to impact his reception in the alienage. Now he only leaves to eventually join a thieves guild if you accepted Vaughn's bribe at the beginning of the game; also clarified that he's only distrusted by the rest of the alienage in this case, rather than elves in general -Added a link to the generic bann slide to play if a City Elf Warden dies -Soris's non-bann epilogue should no longer be skipped if a City Elf Warden puts Anora on the throne by herself (or marries her with a mod) REDCLIFFE -Clarified in all slides that Arl Eamon primarily returns to organize rebuilding rather than overseeing it directly, in keeping with his World of Thedas 2 entry and information from DAI; also replaced destroyed Redcliffe losing importance with a slower rebuilding process -Judging by his DAI appearance, Connor never really embraced being a mage and I doubt he ever traveled to Tevinter for research; rewrote his Circle mage epilogue to reflect this -Since Isolde appears in Mark of the Assassin as long as she wasn't used as a blood sacrifice, Rowan Junior is never mentioned outside of the DAO epilogue, and World of Thedas 2 refers to Connor as Eamon and Isolde's "only child," I figured that Rowan Junior was just retconned out of the series entirely, instead of just Isolde's death in childbirth. Wrote a new epilogue for Isolde to play when Connor dies -Judging by DAI and World of Thedas 2, Teagan turns out to not be the world's best arl... kept the initial enthusiasm for the new ruler, but implied that he ends up being pretty distant after a few years -Added link to play Connor and Isolde's epilogue when Arl Eamon stays in Denerim to advise Alistair -Reorganized the dialogue tree so the Bella and Kaitlyn epilogues should play independently of each other -Changed some wording to get rid of the implication that there's only one tavern in Redcliffe, since the one in DAI is called the Gull and Lantern instead of the Grey Warden's Rest; it also doesn't rule out that it could be the same tavern after another renaming, whichever you prefer -Did some rewording on the slide that plays if you gave Kaitlyn money, since you can do that without finding the sword (thank you DA Wiki for pointing that one out) -Broke up Kaitlyn and Teagan if you give her... I don't really have a strong justification for that one, just that I doubt Bioware will ever acknowledge it and it seems big enough that they should if it's canonical DALISH -Made the eventual disappearance of the werewolves if you make an alliance with them a bit less permanent-sounding in case the writers change their minds -Fixed a typo of "Fereldan" -Added a flag so the slide for the Dalish boon when Lanaya is keeper will only play when the player chooses that boon -Changed the wording on the Dalish boon slides so that the conflict with nearby humans isn't totally attributed to (understandable) Dalish mistrust of humans, while also editing Lanaya's slide to imply that her peacekeeping efforts didn't succeed, since Alistair will say it ended badly if the Warden chose this boon and Merrill is in the party during "King Alistair" -If a Dalish Warden sides with the werewolves and chooses the boon to give land to the Dalish, the boon slide will now play, with an additional minor change -Added links to the Dalish boon slide if a Dalish Warden does the sacrifice -Fixed flag on the epilogue slide that plays for the former werewolves if the curse is broken, so that should play now (it also shouldn't play if the former werewolves were killed after breaking the curse but that flag is named something really weird ("Humans Escaped") so I'm not totally convinced that part will work) ORZAMMAR -Changed "duster" on the slides where Brosca is named a Paragon to read "Dust Town resident" since duster is a slur in-universe according to an Awakening dialogue option (I think authorial intent involves using the word "slur" a little loosely, but imo it still doesn't really feel appropriate in tone for the epilogue) and the Warden isn't the first casteless Paragon either -Totally rewrote the slide where Harrowmont dies since he's still goin at it 10 years later in DAI -Rerouted part of Harrowmont's epilogue so the game still checks for the dwarven boon flag if you killed Branka -Also rewrote most of King Bhelen's second epilogue slide since dialogue in The Descent mentions the Assembly talking Bhelen out of meeting the Inquisitor in person, so he at least hasn't dissolved it yet 10 years out from DAO -Added links to the boon slides for each king if a Warden from either dwarven origin died- since these checks aren't race-based, they should work fine with adopted origin mods -Kept Brother Burkel dead if you help him (please don't make me revisit this mod to change that like 5 years from now, Bioware), but let the Assembly use Orzammar's control over lyrium trade to smooth tensions with the Chantry to avoid the Exalted March on Orzammar -Changed Dagna's epilogue to call her an apprentice instead of a mage (I don't think she'd be using the arcanist title QUITE yet) and added the Circle's concern over her unconventional/unethical research practices, as referenced in DAI and World of Thedas 2, to make up for scrapping the next part of her epilogue content -Scrapped the epilogue slide about the Orzammar Circle of Magi and subsequent rumored Exalted March since I had NO idea how to rewrite that into something that would fit with currently established lore and make sense as a consequence of Dagna's studies ANVIL OF THE VOID -Instead of Branka (and Harrowmont) organizing raids on the surface to kidnap humans and elves as golem fodder, Branka just cuts off contact with Orzammar (as referenced in DAI during "Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts") and the raids are just rumors -Removed the last slide that played if Harrowmont became king and Branka kept the Anvil about a war between Ferelden and Orzammar; that's never been mentioned again and the other slides felt like they provided sufficient closure on its own (Bioware sure wrote 3 opportunities for Orzammar to end up in a war with the surface and didn't follow up on any of them, huh) MORRIGAN -Added romance slides for female Wardens, including the one where Morrigan is pregnant with the Warden's non-Archdemoned child Because I Can -Fixed the bug where the epilogue says Flemeth is dead if you skipped "Flemeth's Grimoire" entirely- my fix might cause another bug where the epilogue will indicate that you didn't kill Flemeth if you kill her and never give the grimoire to Morrigan to finish the quest, so uh... don't do that or that will happen, I guess? -Also added some extra checks so that the slides about Morrigan and Flemeth's intentions with the Old God's soul still play when Alistair or Loghain did the dark ritual instead of the Warden; also tweaked these slides since there is word of Morrigan a few years after the end of DAO -Added an extra link so that the Morrigan's ring epilogue plays whether Morrigan is in love with the Warden in an active romance or broke up with them during the final battle while still harboring feelings for them. This makes it a little easier to get the ring epilogue along with her romance epilogue in Awakening, which requires her romance to be active when the save is imported (altho that's definitely on my list of changes I'd make if I ever get around to doing an Awakening companion to this mod) -Tweaked some wording that implied that Morrigan just disappears forever if the Warden slept with her but the ritual wasn't done COMPANIONS -Tweaked the wording to slow down the timeline on the statue of the Warden to be built in front of Vigil's Keep, since there's no sign of it yet in Awakening -Added romance epilogue slides for male Wardens who romanced Alistair as necessary -Also added alternate versions for each of Alistair's slides in this section to play if he's king, since the originals were clearly written for an Alistair who stayed with the Wardens (and a Warden who stays in a relationship with him without marrying him is still with him as of Act 3 of DA2) -Since Alistair is still in the Wardens in DA2 and DAI as long as he stays with them at the end of DAO, changed his Warden epilogues for a dead Warden to keep him in the Wardens long-term -Also took out Alistair's implied disappearance after building a monument for Duncan -Did some rewriting for most of Leliana's endings, to make her low approval one less revengey and to replace the ones where she mysteriously disappears with foreshadowing for her connection to the Chantry (her romance epilogue when hardened is unchanged though) -Fixed the bug that caused the epilogue to misgender male Wardens who romanced Zevran under certain conditions -Changed Zevran's epilogue to involve his war against the Crows, which is still ongoing as of DAI, including his new nickname, which is from World of Thedas 2 -Wrote a new epilogue slide for Dog, since he's the only companion with no closure if the Warden dies -Hopefully fixed the bug where a dead Warden gets Wynne's Warm epilogue slide as long as she has at least 3 approval by changing the line to check for her regular warm approval flag instead of the special epilogue one that the vanilla game uses there -Rewrote Wynne's epilogues to no longer imply her death, since she's alive in Asunder, which takes place 9-10 years later; additionally, I think Cole refers to Wynne's presence during these events in DAI, which doesn't depend on her DAO approval- her new endings are based on what she says about her life after the Blight in Asunder -Capitalized "Qunari" in one of Sten's slides -Added an epilogue for Sten if his personal quest wasn't completed, since his existing ones don't address the loss of his sword (I'm assuming that quest "matters" since it's in DA Keep, but I left the specifics vague Just In Case) -Capitalized "Arishok" in one of Sten's slides because, again, I'm nitpicky; also edited that slide to not refer to Sten by name a weird number of times -Removed references to Oghren's newfound sobriety in his friendly epilogue slides, since he's unfortunately still struggling with alcoholism during Awakening; also changed some wording that implied Oghren's child was born years after DAO and not after... 6 months now that I think about it. Ah. -Rewrote the second half of Oghren's low approval epilogue since he shows up at Vigil's Keep and has a wife and child regardless of what you do in DAO -Changed Shale's friendly epilogue and their warm epilogue when their personal quest has been completed since they're still a golem as of Asunder (where they're actively pursuing ways of regaining their dwarven body) and because their connection to House Cadash still seems largely unknown as of The Descent; also kept the pattern of trying to avoid epilogue slides where "they were never seen again" -Rewrote most of Loghain's slide, since he's transferred to Orlais in Awakening if a save where he survives is imported and he's still kicking in DAI 10 years later- he almost definitely doesn't go on his Calling -Tweaked Alistair's drunk slide to place him in Kirkwall instead of Starkhaven since he has cameos there during both Act 1 and 2 of DA2 -Added the missing flag that was making the epilogue misgender male Wardens who romanced Zevran and chose to travel after the Blight -Restored epilogue slide about the Warden surviving killing the Archdemon that wouldn't fire correctly if Alistair or Loghain did the dark ritual -Corrected the reference to the "Shining Sea" to the "Waking Sea"