Name: Alistair Version: 1.0 Date: 31/01/2019 Category: Companions Author: LadyJanne ================= Requirements: ================= Latest Patched version of Dragon Age: Origins ================= Description: ================= This is my vision of Alistair. ================= Details: ================= This is the list of mods required to get my Alistair: - KH_Creations (KH_CHARACTER CREATOR FILES) - New Eyes for DAOT by Vilissa (1 AIO NEW) - Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors for DAO - HAIRSTYLE DAY (HAIRSTYLE DAY NEW) ================= Installation ================= Just drop the file into the override folder. ================= Un-Installation: ================= Just delete the file from the override folder. ================= Credits: ================= Thanks to Bioware for creating Dragon Age: Origins. ================= Tools Used: ================= Toolset ================= Licensing/Legal: ================= You may use this as you wish but you must credit me for my work. Please do not re-host this file without my explicit permission.