Name: Beyond Ferelden Base Chest Version: 1.0 Date: 11/18/2009 Author: jwvanderbeck Source: Forum: Homepage: Description =========== This AddIn places an ornate chest in the player's basic camp which will hold any item addins I release. Details ======= Once you install this AddIn you will find an ornate chest named Beyond Ferelden in the party camp. Any AddIns I release that give the player items will place those items into the chest. The chest can also be used for storage. Install ======= 1. Use DAUpdater.exe (located in your Dragon Age install directory, in the bin_ship subdirextory) and select the DAZip file. 2. Select the AddIn in the list and click install. 3. Once the progress says "Installed.", exit DAUpdater and run the game. 4. On the main menu, select "Downloadedable Content", and then select the "Installed Content" tab. 5. Ensure that the AddIn is enabled. Uninstall ========= Currently there is no user-friendly way to un-install a DAZip based Addin, but the AddIn can be disabled. 1. Run the game and on the main menu select "Downloadable Content", and then select the "Installed Content" tab. 2. Find the AddIn in the list and Un-check it to disable the AddIn. Incompatibility =============== This mod should be fully compatible with the base game and all mods. Known Issues or Bugs ==================== None History ======= 1.0, 11/18/2009 - Initial release. Contact ======= You can find me as "jwvanderbeck" on: DAMods ( Dragon Age Nexus ( My blog about Dragonm Age modding, called Beyond Ferelden, is at Credits ======= Credit is always due to Bioware for making such awesome games, and giving us the tools to bring our imaginations to life inside them. Licensing/Legal =============== Please do not upload this mod to any websites without my permission. Contact me and i'll be glad to give you permission. Use this mod at your own risk, I take no responsability for anything that results from its use.