***** SIMPLE SUMMONING COLLECTORS EDITION ***** If you use this mod, if you like this mod, if this is a must-have mod for you, then please endorse it! Endorsing is the only way I can tell if people really enjoy this mod. Your comments and screenshots are always welcome and encouraged. :) VOTED FILE OF THE MONTH FOR DECEMBER 2011 ===== Simple Summoning replaces your summoned mabari will a fully functional character of your choice. This is not just a vanilla morph retex. These are the REAL characters. I've added new customized abilities, animations, equipment and tactics - how much depends on the NPC and game demands. Well over a hundred different character versions available to choose from! In alphabetical order... ALL COMPANIONS! Anders, Aveline, Bethany, Carver, Fenris, Isabela, Merrill, Sebastian, Tallis and Varric! A companion died or left for whatever reason and you want him/her back? Want to double them up? Click the unique summon button! They come with all their original equipment so mod replacers will carry over. They also keep their original combat banter. NPCs as follows: Alistair; Arlange; Athenril; Bodahn; Cahir; Cassandra; Charade; Corypheus; Cullen; Donnic; Elsa; Flemeth; Gerav; Grace; Harlequin; Idunna; Jan; Janeka; Jethann; Keran; Leandra; Leliana; Lia; Meredith; Nathaniel; Norah; Orana; Orsino; Prosper; Qunari as follows: Arishok, Saarebas, Salit, Sten, Talvashoth; Sandal; Teagan; Variel; Zevran. Creatures as follows: Brontos; Darkspawn as follows: Genlock (alpha and trooper), Hurlock (alpha, bolter, emissary, trooper), Ogre, Shriek; Deepstalker; Demons as follows: Abomination, Desire, Prides, Rage, Shade; Dog; Dragons as follows: Dragon, Dragonling, High Dragon, Mature Dragon; Gate Guardian; Ghasts (mage and warrior); Leopolds (rider and solo); Profanes; Rock Wraith; Thaddeus; Undead as follows: Arcane Horror, Corpses (archer and trooper), Harvesters (full and head), Revenant; Wyverns (alpha and stunless); Varterral. - For best results and full compatibility I strongly recommend you have both Legacy and MotA DLCs installed. - If you are using any facemorph mods for these characters they will carry over to the summoned character. - If you are using any mods for the vanilla grey warden armor they will carry over to the characters wearing it. - Any mods you are using for your companions starting equipment will carry over to the summoned companion. - Any creature model mods you are using will carry over to the summoned creature. Use only ONE file at a time! Enjoy! :) ===== Installation path: <...>\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\packages\core\override Installation instructions: Just drop the particular .ERF file you want into your override folder. The names are adequately described so you know which file you're using. ===== Uninstall instructions: Remove the file you no longer want. ===== Known issues: Clicking on Sandal or Alistair the first time may start a dialogue scene with missing characters, but in no way does it break your game. This was unavoidable to keep the their on-click dialogue. Summoning a Flemeth/High Dragon to fight the Bone Pit High Dragon may cause your summoned dragon to disappear. It may also cause the Flemeth dragon to tail walk. So far these issues only happen at this specific Bone Pit encounter, YMMV. ===== Known conflicts: You must remove any other summoning mods you have installed before using this mod. Using a mod that adds ID 100 to APR_BASE will cause a model conflict with a dozen or so summoned models.