Dark Dragon Hunters Armour by maximasdecimas ============================= Dark Dragon Hunter's Armour --------------------------- This mod adds a new standalone set of armour to the game. Works for both males and females, and without the Mark of the Assassin DLC installed. It includes: Dark Dragon Hunter's Coif Dark Dragon Hunter's Gloves Dark Dragon Hunter's Armour Dark Dragon Hunter's Boots There is also an alternate download available with a darker skin tint on the glove fingers: Dark Dragon Hunters Armour (Darker Skin Tint) It adds the same items as above, the only difference being the darker finger skin tint for the gloves. ============================= Optional downloads ============================= A black and red cloth version of the chainmail hood, added on its own: Dark Dragon Hunter's Black Hood And a pair of full-fingered gloves instead of the fingerless gloves included in the armour: Dark Dragon Hunter's Full Gloves ========================= [Changelog] 1.0 - Initial Release. ========================= NOTE: This mod requires the developer console to be enabled. Help on enabling the console can be found here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Enable_Dragon_Age_2_developer_console or here: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console_(Dragon_Age_II) ========================= Installation : ========================= For the Dark Dragon Hunter's Armour: ------------------------------------ Extract the .rar archive and place the erf file into your override directory. (documents/Bioware/Dragon Age 2/packages/core/override) Enable the console and enter: runscript dark_dragon Press enter and you should get a pop-up message that reads 'Received Dark Dragon Hunter's Armour'. For the Dark Dragon Hunter's Armour (Darker Skin Tint)": -------------------------------------------------------- Extract the .rar archive and place the erf file into your override directory. (documents/Bioware/Dragon Age 2/packages/core/override) Enable the console and enter: runscript dark_dragon_darktint For the Dark Dragon Hunter's Black Hood: ---------------------------------------- Extract the .rar archive and place the erf file into your override directory. (documents/Bioware/Dragon Age 2/packages/core/override) Enable the console and enter: runscript ddha_black_hood For the Dark Dragon Hunter's Full Gloves: ----------------------------------------- Extract the .rar archive and place the erf file into your override directory. (documents/Bioware/Dragon Age 2/packages/core/override) Enable the console and enter: runscript ddha_full_glove Have fun with it! ========================= Uninstallation : ========================= Delete the 'Dark Dragon Hunter's Armour' erf file from your override directory. ========================= Credits ========================= A huge thanks to the folks at Bioware for making Dragon Age 2 and all its awesome add-ons. Also DAO. That too. More huge thanks to Thor for the "StandAlone Guide" for modders, found here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/420932-standalone/ Thanks to Sunnie for the 'DA2 item delivery scripts' guide, found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/391025-da2-item-delivery-scripts/ Thanks to the great armourer Amereta for the awesome mod 'Orlesian Noble Hunting Armors' which inspired me to make this armour. Amareta's mod can be found here: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3422 (It should be compatible with my mod, although the 'Mark of the Assassin' DLC is required for Amereta's mod. But I wanted to make them work with each other, because Amereta's mod is awesome and I wanted to keep using it myself, I figured others would too.) Super grateful thanks also to Amereta for allowing others to use the files contained in the above mod. I used the texture maps and mao, mmh and phy files as a template for how to structure this mod, then altered the maps and files I pulled from the MotA add-ins folders to make it, except for the hood, which is a retexture of one of the random noble hoods in the base game, 'hm_hoo_nobc'. ========================= Tools used in the making of this mod: ========================= GFF Editor V4.0 (http://social.bioware.com/project/1936/ erf packer tool (http://mod.gib.me/dragonage2/erfpack-rev21.zip) GIMP 2 with dds plugin (http://www.gimp.org/) and (http://registry.gimp.org/node/70) DragonAge Toolset - You need to have purchased a copy of Dragon Age Origins to be able to get this, at least as far as I know: (http://social.bioware.com/page/da-toolset) TlkEdit2 ========================= I hope this mod works for you, and that you like it. Please, let me know if there are any problems. Otherwise, enjoy! maximasdecimas