This mod replaces all non-default Carver and Bethany headmorphs starting at Preset 6 and beyond with something hopefully a bit nicer. While playing, I noticed non-default Carver always tended to look... odd, not to mention older, which was weird when his elder sibling ended up looking younger than him! So I decided to make this mod for myself and anyone else who was dissatisfied with non-default Carver. I also included Bethany as well, even though I had no problems with her non-default headmorphs, though I have come to love my modded versions as well, and I hope you will too. *The headmorphs with an * and ??? next to them mean I'm not quite sure which preset they go to. Feel free to correct me. NOTE: *Spoiler* In the Deep Roads scene, the infection will NOT kick in for the twins, simply because I haven't quite figured out how to do so yet, though I opted to not include it in the first run as the general consensus seemed to be 'nice, but not necessary'. Will include it in future updates once I figure out how to get it working. INSTALLATION: Download the main file, 'Zombi's Alt. Hawke Twins' for both, unzip, and place into your /packages/core/override folder. There are also separate files for just Carver and just Bethany, though I recommend getting the main file for both. To remove, simply delete from your override folder, with no effect on your current save. This mod works with the vanilla game as it only uses hair/eye/etc styles from the base game. Will, obviously, not work with mods that effect the headmorphs of Carver and/or Bethany. If you find it incompatible with any other mods, please let me know and I will include it in the description.