The Fugitive's Mantle may actually be one of my favourite game items ever. I wanted a black version of the coat, however, and I didn't care for any of the existing retextures on the Nexus, so I fiddled with it myself. I also hate the metal knee pads with a passion, so I blacked them out and they're much less obvious. My PC is a weakling, unfortunately, so the screenshots shown are in DXT9. I imagine it looks much better in DXT11, and I'd love to see in use. Hint hint. Feel free to slap the textures into DA:O or whatever else you use the coat in; all I ask is that you credit me if you publish it anywhere and let me know that you did so. I did actually spent several hours working on this, so, you know, don't be a dick. If there are any problems, let me know. Requirements: Obviously, you need the Mage Item Pack DLC for this to work. Installation / Removal: Just drop the ERF into your Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\packages\core\override and delete it if you don't like it / get tired of it / whatever. Tools Used: GFF Editor ERF Packer Adobe Photoshop CS6 7Zip