Hello, and welcome to Ferelden Cuts! Ferelden Cuts imports hairstyles from DAI to DA2 and offers some replacers for companions, including updated DAI hairstyles if they exist. This will be an ongoing project, as well as a DA2 modder's resource. Eventually all hair meshes will be converted for both Hawkes. This first batch imports Josephine's, Cassandra's and Isabela's hair for fHawke and Blackwall's, Josephine's, a bun and a tousled hair cut for mHawke. The optional replacers for companions/NPCs are: Fenris (a ponytail, not yet ported to humans) Isabela (sans piercings, for now) Bethany (Josephine hair) Carver (tousled hair) Sebastian (bun or Josie hair) Cassandra (iconic DAI hair) INSTALLATION: Drop the main erf and optionally any replacer you want into your packages/core/override folder, usually located under My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age 2. Please choose only one Seb replacer, if using one. Use the Chargenmorph Compiler? to compile your chargen files, or edit it manually. The replacers are not standalone and require the main file, but if you don't want to use the hairs you can discard the chargenmorph. Additionally, these meshes are replacers, meaning if you already have the companion hair line added to your chargenmorph this will double it. I might get around to re-uploading some of these as unique .mors pointing to the new hairs, but today is not that day. If you want Bethany and Carver's new hairs on their non iconic heads, please use Ellise's Unique Complexions for Non Default Families? by quenched-steel. You can use these for custom morphs on the nexus, discluding whitewashed ones. Please no white Isabelas, ty.