These patch files overhauls the look of 3.3.5 WoW to the newer versions of the game. They are meant for the Project Ascension server but should work on all 3.3.5 servers. Patches Included are: Patch-4 --- updates the Water to the Cataclysm water Patch-B --- Most Textures, Character, and NPC's models from Warlords of Draenor and Legion Patch-C --- Part 1 of the Legion Creatures Patch-D --- Part 2 of the Legion Creatures Patch-E --- Some of the Battle for Azeroth models In order for some of the textures to work properly and run well you must use the 4GB patcher on Ascension.exe I usethe Large Address Aware on it and everything seems to work great! To install just drop the patch.MPQ file into the World ofWarcraft Data Folder.