Impacts and Ichor mod for Prey 2006 I recently replayed this highly underrated game and modded it along the way until it did things the way I wanted it. In general it makes most bodies stay, scorch marks stay as well while glow effects fade correctly. Same goes for acid and slime from hidergun and crab grenade. I created permanent stains for these after the glow fades. This mod is built on top of SikkMod lite 1.2 for Prey, which I included in the download. It should be working without it as well though. The list: - Impacts scorches from all weapons (and most enemies) stay, while any glow effects fade as they should. - Added a scorch for the rifle after the initial glow effect (it bugged me that the sniper had one, but the normal mode didn't.) - blood impacts are darker and look less like from a comic. - Plasma projectiles now emit light on explosion (was in the code, I just removed a few slashes.) - Explosions from rocketlauncher and autocannon secondary fire is louder and can be heard from farther away, as well as some other firing sounds. - Crab-grenade leave a nasty, non-glowie stain after the initial glow effect passed. - Acid leaves a nasty stain after the initial glow effect passes, and it's not the same those crabs leave. - Corpses stay when collecting a soul while your spirit-meter-thingie is full. You can still collect it, but if you don't gain from it, the corpse will stay. - Vanishing corpses leave a soul-stain. This one is dimmer though than the initial glowing one, which fades correctly. - Corpses dissolved by acid leave a gross stain. - Blood splats don't fade, including those from gibs, eggs and other stuff that leave them. Options: - more soul: if you use this, souls will stay for 30 seconds and give you more spirit energy. I did this mainly to have more corpses lying around. If souls vanish before pickup, corpses will disappear. If your spirit-meter is not full on pickup, corpses will disappear as well. So: they stay longer and fill up more spirit. More corpses. - plasma sound: replaces the sound for leech gun's plasma fire with one I use for the plasma gun in Doom3. I actually don't know anymore where the sound is from, since it's from data I have lying around for 14 years now. If you happen to know, please tell me! To use these options, just throw the desired pk4 from the 01_Options folder into the mod's folder. INSTALLATION: Copy the Impacts_and_Ichor folder into your Prey main directory (NOT the base folder!) Open the autoexec.cfg file and change the settings in the video section to matchg your own resolution. You might also want to change multisampling to a lower value if you happen to have a weak computer. Create a shortcut to prey.exe, rightclick it and add the following line to the target line: +set fs_game Impacts_and_Ichor It should look like this: "YOUR PATH\Prey\prey.exe" +set fs_game Impacts_and_Ichor Credits: Sikkpin for creating SikkMod! I couldn't play without. Whoever created the doom3 plasma gun sound I included as an option for the plasma mode. If that's you, please tell me.