========================================================================== More Talents - Striga Friendly v 1.0 Author: MithranArkanere ========================================================================== DESCRIPTION This mods adds +1 bronze, +23 silver and +8 gold talents. That is, the 'missing' 22 silver and 8 gold to max all talents at level 50 plus 1 bronze and 1 silver that one would miss by not killing a Striga for whatever reason one may have not to do that. It is similar to More Talents, but keeps the distribution at 3 bronze, 4 silver and 2 gold per level maximum rather than giving extra silver and gold at later levels, and so it also gives points earlier. ========================================================================== INSTALLATION ========================================================================== Copy the talentstable.2da file into the "Data\Override" folder within the your The Witcher install folder. Files within the Docs folder can be ignored. The original talentstable.2da is included for reference. ========================================================================== INCOMPATIVILITY ========================================================================== This mod merely alters talentstable.2da, so it will not work properly with other mods that require particular changes to it. ========================================================================== UNINSTALLING ========================================================================== Delete the "talentstable.2da" file from the "Data\Override" folder within your The Witcher install folder. ========================================================================== COPYRIGHT ========================================================================== This mod may be freely included with any other mod, without the need of any credit or request to the author, but a small mention in credits will be appreciated. CHANGELOG ========================================================================== v1.00 Initial release Please report any bugs at https://www.nexusmods.com/.