Military Retexture Pack for Enemy Within and Long War With this mod I wish to express my respect and gratitude to the authors of Long War MOD for Enemy Within for their unrelenting and awesome work. Works both with vanilla EW or Long War. Requirements: + Texmod + March 10, 2014, Enemy Within Patch 3. Game version 401776. + Graphics menu, set Texture Detail: HIGH (no textures for LOW setting yet) + Unzip this MOD and place the TPF file(s) where you like. + French, Russian and German versions need change language: FRE RUS DEU See step 4. at this page: thank you mytwist1981 ! For convenience: XCOM EW has a launcher, where you can start EU or EW. To start EW with Texmod do the following 1. Rename XComEW.exe to XComEWReal.exe 2. Rename Texmod.exe to XComEW.exe 3. The launcher will always start XComEW.exe, which is now Texmod (because of steps 1. 2.), --- Texmod opens --- 4. Click on the big yellow Target Application icon--> browse to XComEWReal.exe (texmod will remember this for you) 5. Click on small yellow folder icon in the CENTER at the top --> browse to Rookie_Pack.tpf (texmod will remember this for you) 6. Click RUN at the bottom Texmod remembers the next time you start the game, click on the icons and press 1. or 2. etc... each time for the EXE and the TPF texture pack.