DESCRIPTION -Do Sectoids remind you of babies sent to fight you? -Do you wish to check if ayys can outsmart boolet? -Would you want your gunner to break into song after a kill? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this mod might just be for you! Introducing, the Heavy Weapons Guy voicepack. Now your russian Gunner too can sound like the largest ham in the battlefield! Of course, feel free to use the voice on other classes as well. Heavy Medic Guy, Heavy Sniper Guy, everyone can be fat and loud if you wish! Voice samples, are, of course, from Team Fortress 2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////// INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALL 1. Copy both upk files, 'HeavyBank' and 'HeavyVoice', to any folder inside \SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\[Any Name You Want] Changing the "[Any Name You Want]" by... any name you want. (You can, for example, create a new folder called "Custom Voices", or "HeavyVoice", or "ThreeTreesTrippedThreeTroopers". You can also not create any folder and just drop the file inside CookedPCConsole, but it may be hard to find it later in case you want to delete it.) 2. Go to \SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config And open 'DefaultContent.ini' with the notepad. 3. Ctrl-F "; Language 7 = English English" (sans quotation marks) And under the following three lines paste the following two: ;HEAVY VoicePackageInfo=(VoiceType=eCharVoice_MaleSoldier4,Language=7,ArchetypeName="HeavyVoice.HeavyVoice") Remember: If you used my Sniper Voicepack, or any voicepack that adds another voice to the British Male section, change 'MaleSoldier4' by 'MaleSoldier[numberoflatestvoice+1]'. For example, if you already installed a MaleSoldier4 voice, then this should be named MaleSoldier5. You can also change the Language=7 part if you wish to change what language they appear under. I only keep all voicepacks under British English because I find it convenient. 4. That's it. The voicepack is ready to be used. If you changed nothing, you'll find the voice under 'British English', Voice number '4' ------------------------------------------------------ TO UNINSTALL (0. For safety, change all characters using this voice to another voice first) 1. Delete files 2. Delete the lines you wrote in DefaultContent.ini 3. Party hard