***Step 1:*** Change the following values to taste: ALIAS= bZhangHP: <%b 0x05> ALIAS= bZhangWill: <%b 0x41> ALIAS= bZhangAim: <%b 0x26> ALIAS= bAnnetteHP: <%b 0x04> ALIAS= bAnnetteWill: <%b 0x3A> ALIAS= bAnnetteAim: <%b 0x35> ALIAS= bDoornHP: <%b 0x04> ALIAS= bDoornWill: <%b 0x44> ALIAS= bDoornAim: <%b 0x20> ALIAS= bFreakyHP: <%b 0x05> ALIAS= bFreakyWill: <%b 0x41> ALIAS= bFreakyAim: <%b 0x26> These set your desired stats for your soldier. Stats are in Hex (base 16), which you can convert from Decimal (base 10) using any online site or the windows calculator. ***STEP 2: (very important)*** Scroll down to the end of the mod in PatcherGUI or the text editor of your choice. If you scroll up from there you will find a second set of values you must also change. Make sure that the following values are identical to the values in Step 1. ALIAS= bZhangHP: <%b 0x05> ALIAS= bZhangWill: <%b 0x41> ALIAS= bZhangAim: <%b 0x26> ***Step 3:*** As with Step 1, change the following values to taste. However, to customize the bonus perk Zhang, Doorn, and the Psi Perks Annette gets, you must reference the list of perks here: http://ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Dev_Console_(Long_War) ALIAS= bZhangMobility: <%b 0x0D> // No special steps required. //Customize Zhang's Bonus Perk. Default 0x9F (Lone Wolf, 159 in Decimal). Reference Perk Codes here, then convert decimal to hex: http://ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Dev_Console_(Long_War) ALIAS= bZhangPerk: <%b 0x9F> ALIAS= bAnnetteMobility: <%b 0x0D> // No special steps required. //Annette will gain two perks in the Psi Tree as she is a second level Psi user. RandPerk11 and RandPerk12 control the first level Psi Perk, RandPerk21 and RandPerk22 control the second level Psi Perk. ALIAS= bAnnetteRandPerk11: <%b 0x1D> //Default Value 0x1D Neural Feedback. Valid alternate values are 0x44 Mindfray and 0x95 Regen Biofield. Set RandPerk11 and RandPerk12 to the same perk code to guarantee that perk. ALIAS= bAnnetteRandPerk12: <%b 0x44> //Default Value 0x44 Mindfray. Valid alternate values are 0x1D Neural Feedback and 0x95 Regen Biofield. Set RandPerk11 and RandPerk12 to the same perk code to guarantee that perk. ALIAS= bAnnetteRandPerk21: <%b 0x46> //Default Value 0x46 Psi Inspiration. Valid alternate value is 0x92 Distortion Field. SetRandPerk21 and RandPerk22 to the same perk code to guarantee that perk. ALIAS= bAnnetteRandPerk22: <%b 0x92> //Default Value 0x92 Distortion Field. Valid alternate value is 0x46 Psi Inspiration. SetRandPerk21 and RandPerk22 to the same perk code to guarantee that perk. ALIAS= bDoornMobility: <%b 0x0D> // No special steps required. //Customize Doorn's Bonus Perk. Default 0x9A (Steadfast, 154 in Decimal). Reference Perk Codes here, then convert decimal to hex: http://ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Dev_Console_(Long_War) ALIAS= bDoornPerk: <%b 0x9A>