This mod disables the reinforcements in exalt extraction LW1 missions. In could also work in other missions types but it has not been tested. It seems that it causes a hang on bomb missions. As most of my mods it uses a "streaming map" patch and a DefaultMaps.ini edit. The package already contains a pre-configured defaultMaps.ini that replaces the longwar one. This mod also includes the map patches published here How to install: Copy paste the XEW folder in your XCOM LW1 installation, replacing defaultmaps.ini and patch_furies.upk and placing "patch_disable_reinforcements.upk" in "\XEW\XComGame\CookedPCConsole" To manually configure a defaultmaps.ini do the following: To remove the reinfocements from a map add ",StreamingMaps[9]=( MapName="patch_disable_reinforcements", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=( Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) )" to its streaming map array. example: Maps=( MapFamily=URB_ResearchOutpost_EWI, Name=URB_ResearchOutpost_EWI, DisplayName="URB_ResearchOutpost_EWI (Covert Extraction) |7", MissionType=eMission_CovertOpsExtraction, bInRotation=True, TimeOfDay=eMissionTime_Day, ShipType=eShip_None, eRegion=eMissionRegion_None, CouncilType=eFCMType_None, NewMap=True, InitialChance=20, InitialGain=1.04, DynamicAliens[0]=eChar_None, DynamicAliens[1]=eChar_None, StreamingMaps[0]=(MapName=CIN_FastropeIntros, Loc=(X=0,Y=0,Z=0), Rot=(Yaw=0)), StreamingMaps[1]=(MapName=URB_ResearchOutpost_CovExt, Loc=(X=0,Y=0,Z=0), Rot=(Yaw=0) ),StreamingMaps[9]=( MapName="patch_disable_reinforcements", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=( Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) )) You can freely integrate this in other mods.