[color=cyan]Combat Ranks and Bailout(V0.1)[/color] [i] Defense Officer to captain: ... we got a radar bleep approaching fast ... it's the Skunk!! He is attacking !! Captain To all crew on emergency intercom: Ren Otani is attacking .... ABANDON SHIP, I reapeat ABANDON SHIP .. this is an order!! [/i] It will take a long time until you get the crew of a capital ship to head for the escape pods but now worries, you'll get there eventually .... once your gain a high combat rank ;-) Have you ever wondered why you need to board an abondon capital ship? You can dock at it without problems, so why sending marines and destroying subsystem etc. ? This mod will allow you to "claim" an abandoned capital ship simply by docking at it! Of course there are not too many capital "freebees" around and most of them are not that desirable. This mod provides a chance on attack for the crew of a capital ship to bail out. This chance depends mainly on your [i]Combat Rank[/i]. The rank is computed from your kill statistics: the more ships, drones, turrets and, in particular, capital ships, you destroy the higher will be your combat rank, with a range from "Harmless" to "XTREME". If you gain a new combat rank an onscreen message and a playerlog entry will inform you about it. Also your current combat rank will be visual behind your ship's name. For example if you have named the Skunk "Ragnarock" then you might find something like "Ragnarock [Veteran]" after you load a saved game (or start a new game) with this mod installed. To gain a decent chance for the crew of a capital ship to bail out you need a very high combat rank. But enven then there are odds against you which depends on the boarding resistance of the ship and the difficulty level of your current game. However, with an increased combat rank even non-capital ships have an increased chance to bail out. [list] [b]Installation[/b] Extract the entire folder to your extensions folder. [b]Deinstallation[/b] Just remove the mod folder from your extensions folder. [b]Technical info[/b] This mod uses local variables on the player.entity: $Title, $name, $Bbail and $Combat [/list] Cheers Euclid