Earth Goromorg v1.1 by Roman Adler in 2012 ###################### Magic: Greater Poison Bolt, Poison Bolt, sometimes Poison Cloud (when near) Immunity: Earth, Poison HP: 600 (regular Goromorg 400) XP: 1200 (1000) Power 50 (40) Magic Shield is working, thanks to Diarmuid's damageTracker script. Changelog: 1.2 -------------- Added Diarmuid' latest Shield Script! No the shield is rendered on the Goromorg, not on the tile on which he gets hit. It's a perfect Goromorg now. Installation: ------------- Drop the "earth_goromorg" folder into your "mod_assets" folder and add the following lines to your init.lua: import "mod_assets/earth_goromorg/monsters.lua" import "mod_assets/earth_goromorg/materials.lua" To make his magic shield work, you have to copy/paste the following LUA script_entity somewhere to your dungeon map and name it "damageTracker": ---cut--- --[[ Diarmuid's Goromorg Shield script, Version 1.1 Changelog: 1.1 Shield visual effect now moves along if monster moves Shield sound effect is now played at monster's location Simplified monster properties table 1.0 Initial release Readme: Add the following hooks to your monster(s): onDamage = function(self,damage,type) return damageTracker.shield(self,damage) end, onMove = function(self, direction) return damageTracker.createMoveTimer(self, direction) end, onDie = function(self) return damageTracker.clear(self) end, Then define the monster(s) in monstersTable below using the following properties: shield: sets how much damage the shield can take before breaking immunity: "fire", "frost", "poison", "shock" or "none" (If elemental, you will get a "0" over the monster, if "none", just the shield visual) shieldVAlign: adjusts the shield effect vertical alignment. Positive values go upwards. shieldSize: adjusts the size of the shield effect. Values below 1 = smaller, above 1 = larger. moveSpeed: adjusts the speed at which the shield moves with monster. Values below 1 = slower, above 1 = faster. ]] damageTable = {} timersTable = {} monstersTable = { earth_goromorg = { shield = 300, immunity = "earth", shieldVAlign = 0, shieldSize = 1, moveSpeed = 1, }, } function shield(monster, damage) if damage > 0 then local shieldActive = false if damageTable[] == nil then damageTable[] = damage shieldActive = true elseif damageTable[] < monstersTable[].shield then damageTable[] = damageTable[] + damage shieldActive = true end if shieldActive == true then if monstersTable[].immunity ~= 'none' then damageTile(monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing, 0, monstersTable[].immunity,0) end local fxId =".shield" if findEntity(fxId) ~= nil then findEntity(fxId):destroy() end spawn("fx", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y, monster.facing,fxId) findEntity(fxId):setParticleSystem("shield_glow") local dx,dy = getForward(party.facing) local shieldSize = monstersTable[].shieldSize local shieldVAlign = monstersTable[].shieldVAlign findEntity(fxId):translate(-dx*0.6*shieldSize,shieldVAlign,dy*0.6*shieldSize) local timerId ='.moveTimer' if findEntity(timerId) ~= nil then local mx, my = getForward(timersTable[timerId].direction) local moveSpeed = monstersTable[].moveSpeed local x, y = unpack(timersTable[timerId].position) findEntity(fxId):translate(mx*0.2*timersTable[timerId].tick*moveSpeed,0,-my*0.2*timersTable[timerId].tick*moveSpeed) if x ~= monster.x or y ~= monster.y then print("Translated") findEntity(fxId):translate(-mx*3,0,my*3) end end if damageTable[] < monstersTable[].shield then playSoundAt("goromorg_shield_hit", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y) else playSoundAt("goromorg_shield_break", monster.level, monster.x, monster.y) end return false end return damage end end function clear(monster) damageTable[] = 0 local fxId =".shield" if findEntity(fxId) ~= nil then findEntity(fxId):destroy() end end function createMoveTimer(monster, direction) local level, x, y = monster.level, monster.x, monster.y local timerId ='.moveTimer' if findEntity(timerId) ~= nil then findEntity(timerId):destroy() end local moveTimer = spawn('timer', level, x, y, 0, timerId) moveTimer:addConnector('activate', 'damageTracker', 'moveTimer') moveTimer:setTimerInterval(0.05) moveTimer:activate() timersTable[timerId] = {} timersTable[timerId].id = timersTable[timerId].direction = direction timersTable[timerId].position = {x, y} end function moveTimer(self) timerId = if timersTable[timerId].tick == nil then timersTable[timerId].tick = 0 end timersTable[timerId].tick = timersTable[timerId].tick + 1 fxId = timersTable[timerId].id..'.shield' if findEntity(fxId) ~= nil then local dx, dy = getForward(timersTable[timerId].direction) local monster = findEntity(timersTable[timerId].id) local moveSpeed = monstersTable[].moveSpeed findEntity(fxId):translate(dx*0.2*moveSpeed,0,-dy*0.2*moveSpeed) end if timersTable[timerId].tick == 15 then timersTable[timerId].tick = 0 self:destroy() end end ---cut---