Paths of the Earth - v 1.2 ---------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS: Place the .dat file in [DocumentsFolder]\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\Dungeons then run it from the "Custom Dungeon" menu. or subscribe to the steam version at Thanks go to the following for use of their custom assets snd/or scripting help: This Dungeon is the sequel to my last dungeon, the Paths of the Earth, you don't have to play that first but some of the lore covered there, may clear things up a bit. A short 5 levels (6 if you include the fall from level 1) this dungeon is intended for higher level parties, (again try my first dungeon to get a party up to speed) Play it on normal or hard. For anyone who has played my other dungeon this one follows suit, with major secrets and optional areas, the difference is that most of the major secrets are connected in this one, requiring you to complete the side quests in order. I'm more than happy to help anyone who gets stuck Hopefully Bug free but let me know if you find anything Custom Assets by: Fountains, Flooded dungeon: Skuggsavein Southern temple wallset, tapestries, custom shield pack : Merethif Laguardian, waterbolt, crystals: Neikun carpets: germanny Living Armour: Hyteria Sword skeleton, Slugomorg :Leki Skywalker Cozy Dungeon pack: Phitt Custom Alcoves based on those made by Neikun and Crisman Thanks to Drakkan for scripting help. I also experimented with textures here making the Bronze golems, red dragons, skeleton soldiers and captains and a variety of items, none of which would be possible without John Wordsworths Grimrock Model toolkit Also check out my first dungeon Paths of the Earth. Made by LocalFire (Aggresive-russian on steam) ----------------------------