-------------------------------------------------------- -- Oriental Weapons Pack for Legend of Grimrock -- -- Version: 0.4.1 -- Author: John Wordsworth -- Date: 6 August 2013 -- Website: http://www.johnwordsworth.com -- Download Url: http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/280/ -- -------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ This pack is a growing collection of oriental-styled weapons intended for use in Legend of Grimrock mods. You are free to use these weapons in your own dungeons as you see fit. It would be appreciated if you left a thank-you if you do use them however. Note that these items were created as a learning experience, both with MODO and just with 3D modelling in general. It is likely that the models I create later will be better than those I create to start with. If you would like me to revise any items or have any suggestions/feedback, I would love to hear from you. Usage ----- In order to use these items in your own dungeon, there are just a few steps to follow, as outlined below: 1. Unzip the latest Oriental Weapons.zip file. 2. Copy the oriental_weapons subfolder to your mod_assets folder, your directory structure should now look like this: /mod_assets/oriental_weapons/ 3. Add the following lines to your dungeons init script which resides in the file mod_assets/scripts/init.lua -- Import Oriental Weapons import "mod_assets/oriental_weapons/oriental_weapons.lua" -- Oriental Weapons End 4. Now you must the oriental weapons script entity in your dungeon. Create a new script_entity anywhere in your dungeon (I use the top left corner of level 1). Your new script entity should be called 'ow_script' and then you just copy and paste the contents of the file ow_script.lua in this package into that entity. 5. Reload your project in the dungeon editor if it was open. Note that all items and objects in this pack start with 'ow_', so just typing that into the asset filter will show you all available items from this pack. Contents -------- Items ow_kunai: A throwing knife alternative that is intended to be provided around the same time as shuriken. They do just a tiny bit more than throwing knife damage, but are faster. ow_katana: More damaging and slightly faster than the cutlass. Faster, but not quite as damaging as the Sword of Nex. Approximately the same level of weapon as the Sword of Nex. ow_wakizashi: A smaller blade which is less powerful than the Katana. However, as an incentive to keep it later on, if equipped alongside a Katana, the weilder gets a bonus to evasion equal to 3 + ceil(sword skill / 4). ow_naginata: Reach weapon which is essentially a katana blade on a wooden shaft. Very similar to the legionary spear, but does 15 damage instead of only 10. Cooldown is 4.8 seconds versus the spear's 5.0 seconds. ow_nunchaku: Very fast weapon which requires 4 skill in unarmed to use. Does about the same damage as the fist dagger, but is slightly faster. ow_quarterstaff: Okay, not really oriental. Proper bo-staff might be added later. Fast but relatively low damage weapon intended for use with the 'staves' skill. Adds 3 + ceil(staves skill / 4) evasion when weilded and so provides a defensive bonus for mages weilding this weapon. ow_three_section_staff: A sanjiegun or coiling dragon staff is a fast weapon which requires 8 skill in unarmed to use. Does a bit more damage than the Nunchaku. ow_egg_shell_fire/poison/shock/frost: Four different egg shell bombs which are hollowed out egg shells containing a magical concoction of chemicals. These are intended to be used as weaker versions of the standard bombs, so that you can give them out a bit earlier in the game and with a higher frequency. They are about 66% as effective as the standard bombs. Objects ow_wall_staff_rack: The LoG wall hooks turned into an alcove that will only accept a single staff, spear or other pole-arm. ow_wall_staff_rack_high / ow_wall_staff_rack_low: Translated versions of the wall staff rack so that you can place 3 weapons on a single piece of wall. Change Log ---------- 0.4.1: Added three section staff. Tweaked a few other values. Made quarterstaff a reach weapon. 0.4.0: Changed install process: You must now also create a script entity called ow_script and paste the provided script into your dungeon! Added a Wakizashi. If you wield both the Wakizashi and the Katana you get an evasion bonus. Added 4 egg shell bombs (Fire, Ice, Poison, Shock) which are basically weaker versions of the standard bombs. Quarterstaff now uses the staves skill and gives an evasion bonus of 3 + (Staves Skill / 4). Makes this a defensive item for mages. Fixed bug where wall hooks would not accept a quarterstaff. 0.3.0: Added naginata reach weapon. Fixed a bug with the nunchaku (they are now actually usable!). Fixed a bug with the wall staff rack so that it now only accepts the quarterstaff, katana, naginata and spear. 0.2.0: Added katana and nunchaku. Balanced the quarterstaff a little.