DaS_GG Version 1 Based on a cheat table made by "notPhokz" of http://fearlessrevolution.com/ Very Important Info: Before clicking "start" make sure you have a weapon and shield in your right and left hand as well as any full set of armor. One "problem" is you need to be intially holding a weapon/shield/armor or else your weapons will break even though this mod gives you unlimited durability. If at any point you get a weapon broken message, then you need to close the mod, re-equip weapons/shields/armor in BOTH slots on both right and left hands and all armor slots then re-open the mod. What is this mod? This mod changes the leveling mechanic in Dark Souls to a more arcade like game mode where you gain levels from getting successful hits on enemies and lose them from being hit or losing a lot of health from a fall. The higher your level the better weapons and armor you'll get as well as increased stats, health, and stamina. Q: What setting do you suggest for the average person who has beaten Dark Souls a few times? A: full heal checked, levels lost on hit 1 or 2, hits to level x1, reset on fog enter unchecked. My only challenge run I did was SL1 and this is more difficult on easiest settings imo. Q: What happens if I get cursed? A: You cannot level until you get un-cursed. Q: How do I get more damage, a higher max level, and heals? A: Kill more bosses, dlc included, but note that not all bosses give you a reward. Q: What does the hits to level adjustment do? A: It multiples the amount of hits you need to level up by the number you choose. This is mainly an annoyance to raise this imo, but if you enjoy the grind then raise away. Q: What does the levels lost on hit adjustment do? A: Pretty much in the name, but you lose that many levels everytime you get hit until you're back to level 1. Q: I can't heal, but I have estus? A: True, you can unlock estus usage to insta level up by beating certain bosses, but once you use your max amount you can still drink it and it will do nothing. Resting at a bonfire resets your heals. Q: Is the full heal on level up easy mode? A: No not really, it is actually still difficult becuase you cannot heal with any in game item.