Simply Reshade of Taoerche Effect used AdaptiveSharpen AmbientLight Clarity Colourfulness HDR FineSharp GaussianBlur LumaSharpen MXAO SMAA Installation 1.Download reshade framework from here if you don't have one. 2.Double-click what you'v downloaded and select your DARKSOULS.exe. It's often located in place like "steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition\DATA". 3.Click on "Direct3D 10+", which is in the middle of the three options. 4.Click "Yes" when it asks you if you wish to do something. 5.Click "OK". 6.Download my preset and put "Taoerche's favor.ini" into the folder you just found your DARKSOULS.exe. 7.Start the game, there should be some English sentences at the top left of the screen. Press "shift+F2" when it counts back to 0. 8.Follow the tutorial, choose my "Taoerche's favor" when you need to choose a preset, and then reload. 9.Enjoy.