Thank you for chosing Chef Mon's "Dark Souls: Prepare to Donkey Edition" Retextures! Built especially for the Norternlion Live Super Show crew! How to install: 1. Visit to download and install Durante's DSfix mod if you haven't already. (This mod allows you to replace Dark Souls' default textures; it's required for this to work!) 2. Extract the .zip archive's contents into the "tex_override" folder. You don't need the Read Me for the retextures to work. For Steam installations of Dark Souls, it's usually located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition\DSfix\tex_override" For non-Steam installations of Dark Souls, it's usually located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Namco Bandai Games\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition\DSfix\tex_override" 3. Within the main Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition folder, open DSfix.ini with your preferred text editor. 4. Make sure that "enableTextureOverride" is set to "1", rather than the default "0". 5. Run Dark Souls and enjoy your new textures! Original Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition textures courtesy of Bandai Namco Games