Outfits made using robot9706's tutorial https://www.nexusmods.com/falloutshelter/mods/11/ To use these outfits, copy all files into the following directory wherever Fallout Shelter is installed on your PC: Fallout Shelter\FalloutShelter_Data\Mods\CustomOutfits Note - there is a minor graphical hiccup with females wearing Arcade's Power Armor, that makes their thighs look a bit odd. Due to how the game loads certain outfit elements, this is the best fix I can provide to the legs not displaying properly. Outfit IDs arcade_outfit boone_outfit caesar_outfit cass_outfit courier_outfit kings_outfit kings_suit legate_armor legion_armor_1 legion_armor_2 legion_armor_3 ncr_armor_1 ncr_armor_2 ncr_armor_3 ranger_armor veronica_armor