================================= GAME: No Man's Sky (version 4.65) MOD: Hide Text Chat AUTHOR: EsbeeSB ================================= ----------- WHAT: ----------- Hides the multiplayer text chat. ----------- WHY: ----------- This is my scorched-earth method to stop the constant Laylaps text chat spam in my offline game, but could be used by those wishing to opt out of text-specific chatting when online as well. Chats can still be read/sent if the button is pressed ( by default), but new ones won't be automatically displayed. ----------- INSTALL: ----------- 1. Delete the "__DISABLEMODS.TXT" file in "No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS". 2. Create a "MODS" folder in "No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS". 3. Extract "_MOD_SB_HideTextChat.pak" into the "MODS" folder. This is safe to add/remove to an existing 4.65 save. ----------- UNINSTALL: ----------- Delete "_MOD_SB_HideTextChat.pak". ----------- CONFLICTS: ----------- Any mod that edits GCUIGLOBALS.GLOBAL.MBIN. It can be easily incorporated by changing: ----------- AMUMSS LUA: ----------- NMS_MOD_DEFINITION_CONTAINER = { ["MOD_FILENAME"] = "_MOD_SB_HideTextChat.pak", ["MOD_AUTHOR"] = "EsbeeSB", ["LUA_AUTHOR"] = "EsbeeSB", ["NMS_VERSION"] = "4.65", ["MODIFICATIONS"] = { { ["MBIN_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { { ["MBIN_FILE_SOURCE"] = "GCUIGLOBALS.GLOBAL.MBIN", ["EXML_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { { ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"TextChatMaxDisplayTime", "0"}, -- Original "60" {"TextChatStayBigAfterTextInput", "0"}, -- Original "15" } }, } } } } } }