This is an update of the "Heroes" Mod from Fallen Empires originally written by Fireonk. He graciously allowed me to rework his code to get it working under Legendary Heroes. Fireonk's original Mod for FE included 4 unique heroes found at Inns/Huts as the result of brief storied quests. He'd intended them to bring something a little different to FE, and I enjoyed having them around until jumping fully into LH. Converting the characters to LH turned out to be more difficult than I'd expected, primarily in how I wanted to reimagine a few of the abilities from the original files. Not having modded for FE, doing this conversion was really a crash course and really learned a lot (no pain, no gain). This is my first Mod for FE:LH, much like the original was Fireonks first Mod for FE. All 4 Characters are once again in place waiting for you to find them. I also intend to add 2 new Heroes to the mix before the final release Hope you enjoy the revamped Mod and look forward to contributing more in the future. - BernieTime Special thanks to Parrottmath and HeavenFall for helping answer some questions along the way. I can't imagine a successful Mod community without them.