INTRIGUANTE'S WEAR by Nadejda Oulianova Update : The outift is now available for UUNP HDT lovers (thanks to Netist). I added shoes, gloves and a necklace to go with the dress. All of them craftable. Description : This is a dress I put together on 3ds Max with various models I found based on a DreamBurrow's design. The dress is made both for the UNP body and the CBBE one. The dress can be crafted. It requires leather and leather strips. I wanted to have an another "witcher's vibe" kind of dress in the game and also add some diversity in Skyrim. I'm still not sure about the name here ... "Intriguante" is archaic in English but still used in French. If you have a better idea, let me know ! Installation : Just drop everything in your data folder as usual and activate the esp. You can use the Nexus Mod Manager Enjoy ! Credits : Bethesda : Skyrim dimon99 : UNP body Ousnius and Caliente : Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- En Masse Entertainment/Bluehole Studios : corset design for TERA Online asianboy345 : corset conversion for skyrim and the UNP body CD Projekt Red : Skirt and Sleeves design for The Witcher 2 Nimezis : conversion of the skirt and the sleeves for Skyrim DreamBurrow : pictural design I found in one of her Skyrim screenshot - I did not get a respond from the author and I will remove the file if he or she asks for it - Daymarr : SSE plugin top