Neocatzeo's Resurrection Rod - Skyrim Mod Version: 1.0 Release Date June 14 2017 Language: English (US) Author: Neocatzeo Contact: Description: Gives the player a mace which resurrects characters it strikes. Provides console players with the abiltiy to resurrect dead characters. Provides PC players with a much more convenient method than normal. Scripting Details: The mace is automatically placed in the inventory as a quest essential item. It will use the Resurrect() function to restore characters from death. This means that the characters will reset including their inventory, be warned. For safety reasons quest essential and summoned characters will not resurrect. If the mace is taken or lost then a check is performed every 5 minutes and the mace automatically returns to the player. Some quests strip player inventory, some mods like Alternate Start mess with inventory so this is needed. Mod Requirements: None. File List: Data\NeocatzeosResurrectRod.esp Data\NeocatzeosResurrectRod.txt Data\NeocatzeosResurrectRod.jpg Data\scripts\NeocatzeosRessurectRodEffectScript.pex Data\scripts\NeocatzeosRessurectRodQuestScript.pex Data\scripts\Source\NeocatzeosRessurectRodEffectScript.psc Data\scripts\Source\NeocatzeosRessurectRodQuestScript.psc