Custom Difficulty UI (SE) Author: gh0stwizard Version: 1.03 URL: --------------------------------------- Description --------------------- The mod allows you change damage multipliers for both NPC and PC. For instance, at the "Legendary" difficulty you will produce a hit with a damage x0.25, while NPCs will hit you with x3 multiplier. Features: * Powered by SkyUI (SKSE/MCM) * No plans to add new features --------------------------------------- Requirements --------------------- SKSE 2.0.6 or newer SkyUI 5.2SE --------------------------------------- Credits --------------------- Originally this mod was a fork of Customizable Difficulty by Leonord for classic Skyrim: SKSE-free version Custom Difficulty by Phitt for classic Skyrim: --------------------------------------- Installation --------------------- For NMM, Wrye Bash/Smash users: Download, install and activate mod as any other. Follow instructions below from p.3 For all: 1. Unpack the contents of the archive to your "Skyrim Special Edition/Data" folder. 2. Check CustomDifficultyUI.esp file in Mod Manager. 3. Run Skyrim Special Edition via SKSE 4. Enter to "MOD CONFIGURATION" menu and exit: Esc -> MOD CONFIGURATION -> TAB -> TAB 5. Wait 5-10 seconds until you receive message "Custom Difficulty UI disabled" 6. Enter to "MOD CONFIGURATION" menu and customize it on your taste. --------------------------------------- Uninstalling --------------------- 1. In Mod Settings disable the mod. 2. Save the game. 3. Deactivate the mod in the Mod Manager. 4. Delete files from the "Skyrim Special Edition/Data" folder if you are not using any Mod Manager.