KNOWN SPELLS: Healing - Fast Healing - Circle of Protection - Lesser Ward - Steadfast Ward - Greater Ward - Ebonyflesh - Magelight - Conjure Familiar - Flames - Frostbite - Sparks - Thunderbolt - Wall of Storms - Lightning Cloak PERKS: Stealth 1 - Muffled Movement - Light Foot - Up to Expert Destruction - Augmented Shock 1 - Up to Expert Alteration - Mage Armor 1 and 2 STATS: 300 Health - 300 Stamina - 500 Magicka ACTOR VALUES: Brave - Aggressive - Won't attack the innocent - Will assist friends and allies INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Step 1: Download the archive Step 2: Open the archive with 7zip Step 3: Drag and drop the txt file into your Skyrim data folder Step 4: Launch the game Step 5: Once in game, press the "~" key to open the console Step 6: Type "bat followernirya2018" and press enter REQUIREMENTS: 1. The latest Skyrim patch (Version 2. Dawnguard 3. Dragonborn 4. Hearthfire 5. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch/USLEEP 6. Cutting Room Floor? (ESP version only) 7. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul?