If you're looking to use this to integrate your house mod with Legacy I am working on the assumption that you understand the creation kit fairly well. In the "0LoTD_Activators" cell is a large amount of markers for use as enable parents for unique item displays in your mod. They are categorized into -amulet (specifically divines) -elderscroll -claw -mask -bug -blackBook -daedric -book -weap -thief (thieves guild artifacts) -armo -misc Below is a list of activators that can be used throughout your mod to more easily connect storages to the Legacy safehouse. All of the activators are prefixed with 'LSE_' --Gear-- Shields HeavyArmor LightArmor 1HSword 1HAxe 1HMace 2HSword 2HAxes 2HMace Daggers Bows Ammunition Staves Jewelry Clothing 1HGeneral (message box with options for all 1h weapons) 2HGeneral (message box with options for all 2h weapons) Armor (message box for light, heavy, cloth, and shields) Weapons (message box for all weapon types) --Crafting-- Leathercraft (all leather working supplies. Hide/leather/chitin/etc.) Smithing (all smithing supplies. Ingots/Ore/Dragon bones/etc.) Gems SoulGems Ingredients (alchemy ingredients) BuildingMats (hearthstone house building materials) Heartstones Firewood Firewood2 (exactly the same as Firewood but has a different mesh you can use to save time if you plan on having a large log pile) FoodRaw FoodCooked Crafting (gives a message box with options for all crafting storages) --Misc-- Potions Poisons Keys Liquor Scrolls Clutter (the misc chest against the wall of the safehouse main room) Recipes (alchemy recipes) Journals Notes --Legacy Specific Storages-- SortingChest (the main sorting chest that allows manual deposit of items) SortTrigger (the automatic resource sorting done by the chest in the crafting room or the storage access spell) SellPile (the sell cart found in the safehouse. this will still require having the sell cart unlocked in the museum before it will start doing anything) IncomeBox (where all of the money is deposited from the sell pile) FateCards Treasury (links to the gold storage in the hidden room of the safehouse) DisplayDropoff (the display chest in auryens office that sorts displayable items into the museum) _These are the bookshelves on the top floor of the library_ BookAG BookHL BookMR BookSZ BookNumbers BookSkills BookSpells _Safehouse outfit drawers_ OutfitAdventure1-3 OutfitCasual1-2 OutfitFormal1-2 OutfitAlchemy OutfitEnchanting OutfitSmithing OutfitCeremonial OutfitFarm OutfitHunting OutfitMerchant OutfitMining OutfitSleep OutfitSwim OutfitTravel