<--Game settings: difficulty--> Novice: x2.50/x1.00 Apprentice: x2.00/x1.25 Adept: x1.50/x1.50 Expert: x1.75/x2.00 Master: x1.00/x2.50 Legendary: x0.50/x3.50 If the Realistic Damage plugin is used: Novice: x2.0/x2.0 Apprentice: x2.5/x2.5 Adept: x3.0/x3.0 Expert: x3.5/x3.5 Master: x4.0/x4.0 Legendary: x5.0/x5.0 <--Game settings: armor, block and resistances--> fArmorScalingFactor: 0.12 -> 0.125 fBlockMax: 0.7 -> 0.8 fBlockPowerAttackMult: 0.66 -> 0.5 fBlockWeaponBase: 0.3 -> 0.4 fBlockWeaponScaling: 0.2 -> 0.25 fPlayerMaxResistance: 85 -> 80 fShieldBaseFactor: 0.45 -> 0.5 fShieldScalingFactor: 0.2 -> 0.075 <--Game settings--> fAIAimBlockedToleranceDegrees: 10 -> 15 fAICombatFleeScoreThreshold: 10 -> 15 fAIDodgeDecisionBase: 10 -> 30 fAIDodgeWalkChance: 75 -> 50 fAIFleeHealthMult: 20 -> 25 fAIPowerAttackCreatureChance: 75 -> 50 fAIPowerAttackNPCChance: 20 -> 25 fAIUseWeaponToleranceDegrees: 10 -> 15 fAIShoutRetryDelaySeconds: 4 -> 2 fAutoAimMaxDegrees: 1 -> 0.5 fAutoAimMaxDegrees3rdPerson: 2 -> 1 fAutoAimMaxDegreesMelee: 90 -> 60 fAutoAimScreenPercentage: 6 -> 1 fBlockScoreNoShieldMult: 0.5 -> 0.65 fBloodSplatterCountBase: 2 -> 3 fBloodSplatterCountDamageMult: 0.1 -> 0.2 fBloodSplatterDuration: 20 -> 10 fBloodSplatterFadeStart: 0.4 -> 1 fBowZoomStaminaRegenDelay: 3 -> 5 fCombatAcquirePickupAnimationDelay: 1 -> 0.25 fCombatAcquireWeaponDisarmedDistanceMin: 512 -> 256 fCombatAcquireWeaponDisarmedTime: 2 -> 1 fCombatAcquireWeaponSearchFailedDelay: 5 -> 2 fCombatAngleTolerance: 1 -> 2.5 fCombatAttackChanceBlockingMultMax: 0.67 -> 0.55 fCombatAttackChanceBlockingMultMin: 0.2 -> 0.15 fCombatAttackChanceMin: 0.05 -> 0.85 fCombatAttackPlayerAnticipateMult: 0.5 -> 0.6 fCombatAvoidThreatsChance: 0.5 -> 0.6 fCombatBashChanceMax: 0.2 -> 0.4 fCombatBashChanceMin: 0.025 -> 0.2 fCombatBashReach: 141 -> 134 fCombatBetweenAdvanceTimer: 2 -> 1.5 fCombatBlockAttackChanceMin: 0 -> 0.15 fCombatBlockChanceMin: 0 -> 0.5 fCombatBlockChanceWeaponMult: 0.25 -> 0.75 fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicChanceMin: 0.25 -> 0.4 fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicChanceMin: 0.05 -> 0.15 fCombatCircleAngleMax: 90 -> 135 fCombatCircleChanceMin: 0 -> 0.05 fCombatCoverSearchFailedDelay: 5 -> 3.5 fCombatDistance: 141 -> 134 fCombatDodgeChanceMin: 0 -> 0.05 fCombatDodgeMovingReactionTime: 0.25 -> 0.15 fCombatDodgeReactionTime: 0.15 -> 0.1 fCombatInventoryMinEquipTimeBlock: 5 -> 2 fCombatInventoryMinEquipTimeMagic: 3 -> 1 fCombatInventoryMinEquipTimeStaff: 5 -> 2 fCombatInventoryMinEquipTimeWeapon: 5 -> 1 fCombatKillMoveDamageMult: 10 -> 2 fCombatMagicArmorMinCastTime: 15 -> 5 fCombatMagicDualCastChance: 0.33 -> 0.4 fCombatMagickaRegenRateMult: 0.33 -> 0.65 fCombatMagicSummonMinCastTime: 15 -> 5 fCombatMagicTargetEffectMinCastTime: 10 -> 5 fCombatMaintainRangeDistanceMin: 64 -> 128 fCombatOffensiveBashChanceMax: 0.05 -> 0.25 fCombatOffensiveBashChanceMin: 0 -> 0.1 fCombatRangedAimVariance: 0.9 -> 0.75 fCombatRangedAttackChanceMin: 0.05 -> 0.5 fCombatRangedMinimumRange: 256 -> 384 fCombatRestoreHealthRestrictTime: 15 -> 10 fCombatSelectTargetSwitchUpdateTime: 3 -> 2 fCombatStaminaRegenRateMult: 0.35 -> 0.65 fCombatStrafeChanceMin: 0 -> 0.05 fCombatStrafeDistanceMax: 256 -> 384 fCombatUnreachableTargetCheckTime: 3 -> 1.5 fCombatYieldRetryTime: 600 -> 60 fCombatYieldTime: 10 -> 15 fDamagedAVRegenDelay: 1 -> 2.5 fDamagedHealthRegenDelay: 0.5 -> 2.5 fDamagedMagickaRegenDelay: 0.5 -> 2.5 fDamagedStaminaRegenDelay: 0.5 -> 2.5 fDecapitateBloodTime: 5 -> 10 fEssentialDownCombatHealthRegenMult: 0.75 -> 1.5 fEssentialNonCombatHealRateBonus: 5 -> 2.5 fGuardPackageAttackRadiusMult: 0.5 -> 0.75 fLeveledActorMultEasy: 0.33 -> 0.5 fLeveledActorMultHard: 1 -> 1.25 fLeveledActorMultMedium: 0.67 -> 1 fLeveledActorMultVeryHard: 1.25 -> 1.5 fLowLevelNPCBaseHeathMult: 0.25 -> 0.5 fMagicBallMaximumDistance: 2000 -> 1500 fMagicBoltMaximumDistance: 2000 -> 1500 fMagicCasterSkillCostMult: 0.5 -> 1 fMagicDualCastingCostMult: 2.8 -> 2.5 fMagicDualCastingEffectivenessBase: 2.2 -> 3 fMagicPostDrawCastDelay: 1.5 -> 0.75 fMagicSkillCostScale: 0.5 -> 1 fMagicSprayMaximumDistance: 1000 -> 750 fNPCAttributeHealthMult: 0.5 -> 0.75 fNPCBaseMagickaMult: 0.2 -> 0.5 fNPCHealthLevelBonus: 5 -> 7.5 fOutOfBreathStaminaRegenDelay: 3 -> 4 fPickUpWeaponDelay: 0.8 -> 0.25 fPickupWeaponMeleeDistanceMax: 1024 -> 1536 fPowerAttackCooldownTime: 0 -> 1 fStagger1WeapAR: 10 -> 7.5 fStagger1WeapMult: 0.2 -> 0.25 fStagger2WeapAR: 15 -> 12.5 fStagger2WeapMult: 0.5 -> 0.75 fStaggerAttackBase: 0.5 -> 0.75 fStaggerAttackMult: 0.01 -> 0.005 fStaggerBlockMult: 0.005 -> 0.01 fStaggerMaxDuration: 3 -> 2.5 fStaggerRecoilingMult: 1.5 -> 2 fStaggerRunningMult: 1.5 -> 3 fStaggerShieldMult: 1 -> 0.75 fStaminaAttackWeaponBase: 20 -> 25 fStaminaBashBase: 35 -> 15 fStaminaBlockBase: 0 -> 5 fStaminaBlockDmgMult: 0.25 -> 0.3 fStaminaPowerBashBase: 55 -> 40 fStaminaRegenDelayMax: 5 -> 7.5 fWardAngleForExplosions: 90 -> 120 fWeaponBashMax: 0.25 -> 0.5 fWeaponBloodFadeDuration: 60 -> 120 fWeaponBloodLifetime: 10 -> 90 iAICombatMaxAllySummonCount: 3 -> 5 iNPCBasePerLevelHealthMult: 4 -> 5 <--Movement types--> - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> - Backwards: 70/205 -> - Rotate: 180 NPC_1HM_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 75/290 - Backwards: 45/205 -> 70/205 - Rotate: 180 NPC_2HM_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 75/290 - Backwards: 70/205 - Rotate: 180 NPC_Attacking_MT - Forwards: 80/290 - Sideways: 80/290 -> 60/120 - Backwards: 70/205 -> 50/140 - Rotate: 120 -> 0 NPC_Attacking2H_MT - Forwards: 75/180 - Sideways: 85/135 -> 55/100 - Backwards: 75/104 -> 50/90 - Rotate: 120 -> 0 NPC_Blocking_MT - Forwards: 80/80 - Sideways: 80/80 - Backwards: 70/70 - Rotate: 180 -> 90 NPC_Blocking_ShieldCharge_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 75/290 - Backwards: 70/205 - Rotate: 180 -> 90 NPC_Bow_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 75/290 - Backwards: 70/205 - Rotate: 180 NPC_BowDrawn_MT - Forwards: 120/135 - Sideways: 75/115 -> 75/110 - Backwards: 65/100 -> 60/90 - Rotate: 90 NPC_BowDrawn_QuickShot_MT - Forwards: 120/370 -> 80/370 (holding a drawn bow sped you up...) - Sideways: 75/370 -> 80/370 - Backwards: 65/205 -> 60/160 - Rotate: 90 NPC_Default_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 - Backwards: 70/205 - Rotate: 180 NPC_Magic_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 75/290 - Backwards: 70/170 -> 70/205 - Rotate: 180 NPC_MagicCasting_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 70/150 - Backwards: 70/170 -> 60/110 - Rotate: 180 -> 90 NPC_PowerAttacking_MT - Forwards: 80/370 - Sideways: 80/370 -> 70/320 - Backwards: 45/205 -> 45/150 (buff; easier to hit) - Rotate: 180/360 -> 0 NPC_Sneaking_MT - Forwards: 50/220 - Sideways: 40/200 -> 40/180 - Backwards: 43/150 -> 40/140 - Rotate: 90/180 NPC_Sprinting_MT - Forwards: 500/500 - Sideways: 0/0 - Backwards: 270/270 - Rotate: 90