Ta'veren's Pistol Pack for travel in hostile environments - version 1.06 Skyrim is a hostile environment. Dangers lurk everywhere, and foes can be fearsome. Fear not, brave travellers! Ta'veren has uncovered some Dwemer treasures scattered throughout the world that will make your travels a lot safer, and perhaps more enjoyable. The Dwemer left a legacy of advanced technologies, including gem-powered flintlock pistols. They are rare, challenging to acquire, require skill to craft, yet are worth the investment. THE CONCEPT The idea to add flintlock pistols to the world of Skyrim started when I first encountered mechanized enemies in Dwemer ruins. Guns, including cannons, are mentioned in the Elder Scrolls lore, including Redguard exploding black powder, cannons mentioned in a Daggerfall joke book, fireworks from Akavir, Redguard's cut cannons (source Michael Kirkbride), and also the aforementioned exploding Dwemer crossbow bolts in Skyrim. Clearly it would not be lore-breaking to introduce a projectile firing weapon to a world that has Dwemer guardians and automated spiders, a lore of ancient but highly advanced beings (the Dwemer), and many ruins where some of these ancient artifacts can be encountered. Pistols may be lethal to low level enemies, or inflict a severe injury to a higher level enemy, as should be expected from such a powerful weapon made by an earlier advanced society (i.e. the Dwemer). A flintlock pistol is made to be carried in the left hand, and supplemented by a right hand melee weapon, but may be equipped in either, or both hands. The best adventurers will likely carry several charged flintlock pistols to quickly swap in a tight situation. WHAT THE MOD DOES The mod adds fourteen flintlock pistols to the world. As these are (mostly) Dwemer weapons, they do have multiple charges, but not infinite. Dwemer weapons are recharged using soul gems, so keep a few in your pack. The pistols are powered (and recharged) by soul gems. The pistol hammer splinters the soul gem, causing the splinter to be launched as a projectile by the power stored within the soul gem. The 'soul gem splinter projectile' produces the weapon damage effect, where I combined a basic impact damage with a stagger effect (using the Fuss shout perk effect). Higher level pistols do more damage, and have a higher stagger effect. I named this "small splinter", "rough splinter", "sharp splinter", and "polished splinter" effects. Projectile impact effects aim to look realistic, with stagger and blood-splash effects. The pistols do not show up when sheathed (as staves do not show up in the Skyrim world). WHERE TO FIND THE WEAPONS I aimed to seamlessly integrate the pistols into the world, along some of the main, or important quests. As these weapons date back to the Dwemer era, they are mostly found in or around Dwemer ruins, although other explorers of Dwemer ruins, and even a few faction and main quest enemies might have some pistols in their possessions. For those wanting to know the exact locations, read on... Pistols can be found on: Elenwen, Esbern, Ondolemar, Delphine, Alain Dufont, Maluril, Dwarven Centurian Master, Dwarven Sphere Guardian, Dwarven Centurian, Dwarven Ballista Guardian, Dwarven Ballista Master, Drokt, Septimus Signus, Arvel the Swift, Synod Researcher, Kodlak Whitemane, Keeper Carcette, Nystrom, Arch-Curate Vyrthor, Knight-Paladin Gelebor, Taron Dreth, The Forgemaster, the Ebony Warrior, and on Thalmor Justicars and magisters, as well as a vampire early in the Dawnguard questline WHERE TO FIND THE WEAPONS I aimed to seamlessly integrate the pistols into the world, along some of the main, or important quests. So you may find a pistol on enemies within Dwemer ruins, in chests in Dwemer ruins, on other explorers of Dwemer ruins, or on some important enemies. CREDITS Other creators have gone before me, such as knivezuchiha (2012's original "Flintlock pistol" for Skyrim), and miklou (2012's "Flintlock pistol by Mikloud"), as well as twitch.tv.twistybum on the Steam Workshop (2014's "Flintlock pistol V.2 no Dawnguard required"), yet I feel I am bringing something completely new and original to the world of Enderal. Weapon models have been completely revamped and retextured, and a completely new model has been imported and made from scratch for the game world.