========================= No Mannequins 1.1 ========================= This mod removes mannequins from all base game player homes as well as Severin Manor from the Dragonborn DLC. For this version I spent some time learning more about modding and created a implemented the removal of mannequins better. In the previous version I thought found that I failed to fully disable them, so I tried various ways to acomplish this. If you removed collision you could find them standing right outside your house's bounds, where I moved them, looking right at you. Now they are moved much farther away and scaled to 0 and made invisible. There is also a new script that disables them when you enter the cell they reside in, as checking "Initially Disabled" in the reference settings failed to do the job. ------------------------ Player Homes Modified ------------------------ Honeyside Proudspire Manor Vlindrel Hall Hjerim Severin Manor ------------------------ Hearthfire ------------------------ Hearthfire homes give you the option to build Mannequins or not, so I left them untouched. ------------------------ Enjoy ------------------------ Thanks for giving this mod a try. I hope you like it.